Green color: $0.50
I bought 2 for $1
Green color: $0.50
Other colors: $1.50
Green color: $0.50
I bought 2 for $1
Green color: $0.50
Other colors: $1.50
bicycles come with Kensington lock slots now?
No, but you can wrap the cable around the bike and a pole, thread the lock through the loop, then attach it to a laptop so they can't steal the bike.
Green's cheaper because it's good to be green? Or is it a marketing campaign by Christine Milne?
Looks like preferences are being directed to the Green(s).
store specific markdown, was $7.50 at local OW for all colours i.e silver, green and pink
Comes up as $7.50 for me
I don't see it for 50c or $1.50
how do I get it cheaper?
Go to the Wetherill Park store
Buy these.
Lock up someone's bicycle.
Put Popcorn in Microwave, wait until popping finishes.
Watch the carnage with popcorn.
Sleep well.