• expired

20% Full Price ASOS Code & #findASOS Event with Freebies at Various Unis

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"Brush up on your treasure hunting skills, find the mystery location, and you can take your pick of ASOS goodies,including vouchers, a rail full of clothes, a lucky dip, concert tickets and more…"

"First, download the Lost On Campus app for your phone. At midday on the following dates, search for #findASOS and get ready to move fast because it's first in, best dressed… literally."

27 AUG:
Melbourne Uni,UNSW, UQ

28 AUG:
QUT Gardens Point, LaTrobe, USYD, UTS, UWA

29 AUG: Monash Clayton, Macquarie

I went to the Melbourne Uni event and the location was where all events usually occured (North Court) so it should be the same with the other Unis. There was a rack of clothes, vouchers tied to balloons and lucky dip.

Get there early because there will be people that cut into the line and there will be nothing you can do about it.. so if you can get there earlier the better chance you have of getting something. Once you get to the front they hand you an iPad for your email and once you've put it in they let you in to grab something.

Once they run out of the rack of clothes, vouchers and lucky dip they'll just hand you a voucher with 20% off. It's a universal voucher and the code is FOUNDASOS for 20% off full priced items, ending 12th September 2013.

Good Luck!

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Apparently UNSW line was ridiculously long, wonder if I should try my luck at the other unis.. just gotta get in early I guess

    • I was at the melbourne one at 11.00 and there was only about 30 people in front of me… but by 12.00pm an additional 100 people had cut themselves in front of me so…. yeah the closer to the front you are the more chance you have of not having people cut in and the more chance you have of getting something

      but my friend did get a $50 Ticketek voucher so they do have some good stuff up for grabs!

  • good timing. just missed it.

  • -1

    And I wonder why students are crying broke and struggling with uni fees.

  • code doesnt work for me

    • +2

      Hey! I've tried it and it works for me. It's only for full priced items unfortunately :(

  • what kind of clothes do they have ? is it worth going just for the treasure hunt ?

    • +1

      the treasure hunt part is finding the clues to the actual location. Once you get to the location its just a tent filled with clothing, vouchers and lucky dips. You get a choice of one thing. At Melbourne Uni they had a rack of clothes mens and womens but the sizing varied. They seemed to have a lot of stuff probs enough to cater for 150 people seeing as I pretty much grabbed the last thing there. The other stuff like the vouchers are worth it. One's I knew of were a $50 Ticketek voucher and a 75 pound ASOS Voucher…

      hint if you're going for the vouchers attached to the balloons.. feel for one that is more stuffed because some of them only contain a card with the FOUNDASOS code. The stuffed ones have additional vouchers.

  • code just worked for me

  • +1

    thanks! Just saved $6.5!

  • Has anyone received clues?

    • Check your uni student union website/ if you're subscribed to emails from lostoncampus you might get something :) if not it's usually at the place in your uni where the majority of events occur

  • Has anyone found the location at monash university yet? As I still haven't received my clues!

    • Ive only gotten one clue, but me and a friend are 90% sure we have it figured out ahha

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