This was posted 11 years 6 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free $$ from MS Xbox points now active


If you currently change 3000 xbox points you get AUS $50 xbox credits

Best deal I can find for points is from Mightyape

can use Mightyape deal from

Go to Mightyape get points cards for $37.50 plus postage then when you enter in the code you will get $50 AUS from Microsoft. Works-out about $12 AUS free xbox credit

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closed Comments

  • You seem to have double posted

  • Looks like they deleted the other one

  • +3

    Works-out about $12 AUS free xbox credit

    Don't you mean $7.61?

  • Best deal I can find for points is from Mighytape

    LMAO, Mighy Tape, MightyApe itself is funny, MighyTape is even better

  • Is the currency conversion set to stay the same? If I were to wait longer or something, could it work out to my benefit?

    • marginally. I was thinking of buying 4000 points for $55 (which is worth $au66). It seemed like a lot of effort for the return though (yes very un-ozbargain-like of me).

      • a true ozbargainer bridges those arbitrage opportunities faster than computer traders

  • The Conversion to points has helped us, DLC is actually some how cheaper for Aus now; previously we would get charged the same number of points as everyone else but per dollar we would receive less points;

    US got 80 points per dollar
    Aus got 60 points per dollar

    If you bought some Mass Effect DLC which costs around 1200 points (average for most DLC), for Aus that was around $20 (1200/80) dollars and for US (1200/60) it was $15.

    Just logged in and checked my US account, Mass Effect DLC costs 14.99 US dollars, than I logged into Aus account and same DLC costs Aus 14.95, despite our dollar being weaker now at Around 0.90 US.

    So it costs us 13.50 US dollars when we should being paying 16.60 US.

    • +1

      Problem is games on demand has always been charged in $au and is substantialy higher than the US prices. Paying in points helped significantly (eg Max Payne 3 was $au50, I bought it on demand paying by some cheap points I had and it ended up costing me $30).

      I suspect that while it's good currently with current DLC simply being converted to their US points system, that future games will probably be significantly more expensive regardless of exchange rates.

      • +1

        Yea I agree, I'm really sad points are going, hunting for cheap points not only leveled Aus with US but it sometimes gave us cheaper prices, I was fully expecting ridiculous prices on Aus store like 20 for DLC but much to my surprise that wasn't the case.

        Perhaps MS has let it be (for the moment maybe) for prices to be level, but in the future they will probably resume to add pointless increase in price.

        But whatever happens, it's still a good idea to keep a US account on your Xbox, you get those US prices and can pay via paypal, even when our dollar is lower than US and Paypal over hikes its conversion, it's still usually a better deal than Aus store.

        I guess we'll have to wait and see how it will all turn out! Later!

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