Hi guys, just had my year and 6 day old Pioneer VSX-521k die on me, and despite pressing a warranty claim, I have a feeling the fact that it is 6 days over will mean Im looking for a replacement. I got my original receiver on sale for $220 and I don't really want to pay much, if anymore than that, are there any valid replacements on sale in that price range, that have similar functionality?
Cheap, good home theatre receiver?

Wait a minute…. Pioneer only have 12 months warranty?
If that is true, you can absolutely push for it to be under statutory warranty.
This states the product should last as long as you can reasonable expect it to last. Under anyone's definiton, that is more than 371 days!
As soon as you mention statutory warranty to them and ask them the question if they think pioneer receivers should reasonably only last 12 months, you will get it put through. If not, pursue it with the office of fair trading, or the equivalent in your state. You will win.
I did get it from their refurb store, Im not sure If that has any bearing?
See the following FAQ from their website
Refurbished items are described as returns. Why are products returned to Pioneer from retailers?
There are numerous reasons, including carton damage, technical faults and minor product damage.
All refurbished products are checked, repaired if necessary, and restored with all relevant manuals and accessories. All refurbished items carry the same warranty as new items.
They boast all refurbished items carry the same warranty as new items. Because of this, they will find it hard to get out of statutory warranty.
If they were selling it refurbished, as-is, you might struggle. But they are saying there is no difference buying a refub to as new item for warranty purposes. If you had bought a brand new item, stat. warranty would apply, so by their FAQ it also applies to refurbs.
For clarity, there are no hard and fast rules about stat. warranty. But generally, if you threaten them with taking it up with dept. of fair trading (etc.), they will want to avoid any potential hearing for it. Especially as you are being very reasonable in your claim - 6 days out of warranty. I am glad I bought Onkyo now after hearing this, I have never known a company be so inflexible with their warranty. (Apart from Apple, but as soon as you mention stat. warranty, they cave)
Sorry to hear, sucks having no AVR! On principle I'd also try pushing stat warranty.
In the meantime would get something better, like this Onkyo.
Then if they repair the Pio, give it a quick test and sell it!If ~400 is too much, you may be in second-hand territory to get something "better" than the Pio. But it's fraught with danger. For example, you can have my 2002 Pro-logic Akai for 50 bucks, but it thermal-cuts if you listen at high volume :P
And I don't think it's better than the VSX, but it's better than nothing!
maybe have a look at some of the onkyos on here or is it the jb-hifi clearance section. i'm thinking about going down to officeworks and seeing if they will beat dick smith for the logitech z906s