This was posted 11 years 6 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

12mths of Roadside Assistance from Allianz Global Assistance Just $49!


Hello OzBargain Community

Please throw some light on how good is the following deal. Is there any other better option we have? the details are as follow:

12mths of Roadside Assistance from Allianz Global Assistance – The BIGGEST Assistance Provider in the World! Just $49!
Package Includes 24/7 Australia-Wide Roadside Assistance with UNLIMITED Call-Outs PLUS Emergency Fuel, Jump Start Flat Battery & Towing Services! Upgrade to a Platinum Plan for Just $99 & Get ALL of the Above PLUS Emergency Accommodation, Rental Vehicle, Rental Relocation & Alternative Transport!

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closed Comments

  • +1

    AGA are good, its what a big chunk of manufacturers use for their factory programs

    • Jeep use them for my car, ran out of petrol (I know, idiot), got service within an hour and no charge the petrol. Can't complain.

      • +1

        That would have been a Pain, a Toad getting stuck on the road.

  • +1

    Can I get clarification on the following:
    * Valid from 22 August 2013 to 22 October 2013
    * Scoopons available in your account & bookings taken immediately after purchase. Subject to availability. Scoopons for this offer are limited. Not valid with any other offer.

    Does it mean that you need to join up by 22 Oct but you can buy the Scoopon now?

    Does anyone know who they are affiliated with? eg, NRMA, RAA or they have their own team of contractors?

  • +6

    Package Includes 24/7 Australia-Wide Roadside Assistance with UNLIMITED Call-Outs PLUS Emergency Fuel, Jump Start Flat Battery & Towing Services!

    It might not be truly "unlimited" though because in the T&Cs it says they exclude;
    "j) repeated service calls due to member related faults;"

    Surely many of the call-outs people make are "member related", such as Out of Fuel, Keys Locked Inside, Flat Battery, etc

    "Additionally, if any of those events result in more than 5 callouts per year, we will be entitled to suspend your membership …"

    Read the T&Cs just to be sure you are happy with it :-)…

    • -1

      5 callouts per year? TRULY UNLIMITED!!!!! ridiculous

      • +2

        It says "any" of those events, not "all" of those events. i.e. if it's the same event 5 times (as Matt posted below) then it's an issue. Not that you can only have 5 call outs per year.

    • +3

      I had a client (i'm a fleet manager - i use AGA for my cars) who had needed a jump start 5 times in the space of 4 weeks. Clearly his battery was stuffed but he was too cheap to buy a new one. They only baulked at the 5th time

      • +1

        Yeah maybe the T&Cs are to deal with issues like that?

        But they shouldn't call it unlimited if it isn't…

        • they shouldn't call it unlimited if it isn't…

          NO roadside assistance company covers unlimited stupidity though. They have better things to do than run around after people with a sense of entitlement.

  • +3

    Actually had to use these guys yesterday,comes free with Allianze car insurance after the first year.

    Car broke down 2pm in Nedlands in WA, called up and they arrived by 2.35pm and fixed by jump start shortly after.

    Probably quicker that the previous occasions I have had to use RAC WA Roadside assistance.

    Very happy with them.

    • +2

      Yes RAC, times are pretty bad, I've waited 80 minutes or more on a couple of occasions.

      I have top cover RAC costs me $200, which includes full cover of one vehicle (being the wives) and full cover of any vehicle, I'm driving or the passenger.

      I have had to help friends/families, ie driving out to where they have broken down, to get a free tow.

      • be aware they can use the same contractors as NRMA/RAC/etc.. in some regional areas

    • Yes, RAC are useless. Our membership had just lapsed, so they charged heaps to sign us up again over the phone before sending someone. After waiting for well over 2 hours I managed to fix the problem myself. They never turned up, shame on them, we paid well over $100 for that experience.

      Glad to hear that Allianz roadside is good. I am insured with them, but so far found it cheaper to take out a new policy each year rather than renewing - which rules out the roadside offer. Now that the car is getting older I might just renew to get that included…

    • +20

      And that was…

        • +8

          What a riveting tale, please tell us more :D

        • -1

          You obviously don't have a cat

        • +3

          cool life stor…..oh it's over already!
          oh well, we'll have to take your word for it, you know, because we're all mind readers, so we all know what happened and why you were right and how to avoid the same happening to us…

  • Australia wide? I've never heard of them and I've never seen one of their vans. Do they use NRMA's services in country NSW? NRMA is state wide and I see their vans all the time.

    • Thats because they use utes :-)

      • Nor have I seen one of their utes. Where does their service run out? Hornsby?

    • +6

      I've never seen one of their vans.

      Oh they have a white van, and are usually selling home theatre speakers :P

  • +22

    Just an FYI guys, your car has to be newer than 2003. I purchased this only to find out Allianz won't cover roadside assist for my 2000 Holden Commodore. Now I'm contacting scoopon to see if they will refund my money.

    • +1

      I also found this on their website but nothing about this in Terms and Conditions.
      Fortunately I didn't buy coupon yet.

    • +3

      Is that inclusive 2003?
      Good thing you posed that up. I almost bought one

      Edit: I gave them a call, and they said
      "Oh, I'm not sure about that. Let me check for you. (no pause here) Yeah, we can cover cars older than 10 years of age"

    • +2

      That's really odd. I just got off the phone spoke to John, and asked about this age limit policy in cars and he mentioned there was none. I told him I heard it was only 2003 and newer and he confirmed there was no such restriction.

      • But did you tell 'em you heard it on the internets??

    • ToC's, which are legally enforceable, has various restrictions (a mess of them, caveat emptor) but they don't include car age.…

      Eligibility criteria (extract)
      In order to be eligible for roadside assistance, your
      vehicle must be a roadworthy well maintained vehicle.
      If your vehicle is not a roadworthy well maintained
      vehicle, we may still attend your call, but we will inform
      you of the cost that will be charged to provide you with
      assistance. This cost will be your responsibility.
      Additionally, your vehicle must be mobile at the time that
      your membership commences.

      Some comprehensive insurance policies also cover a lot of what is offered in the premium service.

      • So your car is covered if it's roadworthy….. but if i breaks down due to, say, a flat tyre then it's no longer roadworthy so it's not covered…. nice catch22 there… ;-)

        • I thought if your car is registered it's deemed roadworthy?

    • +1

      I rang to confirm the 10 years old car age restriction is for this current Scoopon offering. The no car age restriction is for those who get this roadside assistance as part of their comprehensive insurance.

      This is an excellent deal for those who have cars of 10 years old or less.

    • +1

      Scoopon advised me that they'll refund my money within 7 days. So yeah I'll get my $50 back but I still feel like this sort of information should of been on the front page or at least in the T&Cs.

  • +1

    I live in a rural area. When I rang up Allianz to get road side assistance they said they would send someone out but rang back 10 mins later stating it will be an additional $200 fee for call out. I did not appreciate the hassle especially since my car had broken down in a dangerous spot. This cover was free with insurance but I decided to get nrma premium cover instead. Very disappointed with them.

    • +1

      Maybe you should've done the trademark 'Ahhhhh!' on the phone, then it would've been free lol

    • But you were after service when you had already broken down. The extra charge is in their conditions. Should of had the foresight to sign up before driving in rural areas.

      • I was already covered. They classified my car as bogged and they stated there was a $100 limit on this and it would cost me an additional $200 to cover the call out. Of course I told them where to go. I wasn't even bogged as part of my auto transmission snapped.

        • Possibly not on a recognised sealed road?

  • Well, I just redeemed it on the phone, no issue with the model even mine is too old 1998 Vienta, so just give a another try!

    • +1

      Yeah but they might reject you at the time you need them.

      • Yeah think so, but as long as I get my policy certificate shouldn't be issue then, cos when they come they only make sure rego number.

        • Just beware they can cancel your policy at any time.

  • Global?

    Does this cover hire cars in other countries?

  • Anyone used/using this in Brisbane, feedbacks please?

    • See my post.

  • scoopon site doesn't load. Ozbargained?

    • Probably..

  • Who does AGA subcontract to in NSW? Is it NRMA?

  • Also free as part of the ANZ extras package account $18/month with a mass of benefits…

    Mobile phone insurance
    Accidental death insurance
    Domestic travel insurance
    Roadside assistance
    Home emergency assist
    Find a Tradesperson service
    Energy saving tips and information
    ANZ Assured credit facility - monthly fee waived
    ANZ Online Saver account - bonus interest
    ANZ First Visa – Annual Account Fee reimbursed

    plus discounts and/or special service on
    Premium ticketing service

    • So $18/month for all of that? Equates to $216/year for anyone curious.
      So relative to this deal, you can say everything minus the roadside assistance is worth $167.
      Sounds alright. Just trying to see if it is really worth it for me.

    • I've been an ANZ customer for donkey years, why wasn't this offered to me? :(

      Edit: I know it doesn't need to be offered to apply but why wasn't this advertised to me because I didn't know of its existence..

      • +1

        If it makes you feel better - I found it by accident looking for Domestic travel insurance that would cover rental care excess. It wasnt offered to me either. Pity - it is an amazing deal, just the travel insurance is worth more.

      • Is it really worth? Looks like only the first 5 is quite useful

        • I also find the free overdraft and visa card handy :) also unlimited transactions of course which would normally be $60
          it will depend on you whether it is worth it, if you travel domestically, use rental cars esp, dont have other roadside assistance and plan to use it as a transaction account then yes, and you can get a free $500-$1000 overdraft facility thrown on if you want. The First visa also offers up to an extra year wty on purchases and is free with it.
          For me - it added up as worth it.

    • You're only covered for 3 free call-outs per year though. However, I doubt most would need it even that often.

  • -6

    How much petral do they give you? The emergeny petral doesnt discribe very well how many litres?every company gives a differnt amount, hopefully these guys give a whole tank, just make sure your petral is for $49 bux compared to NRmA which is $102

  • For someone who wants to compare with RACV, the cheap one is slightly worse than RACV basic cover. The expensive one is slightly better than the RACV middle cover. Can't really compare with RACV top cover, as that top cover will cover 1 nominated car + any car driven by the main policy holder

  • Bought one. Thanks OP.

    • How much towing is included?

      • Up to 20kms as per T&C.

  • Bought one and activated, takes about 10 mins over the phone as I was the 1st one called in. :-)
    All good, I was thinking to join couple month back, but it charges $99 for Standard Service if you are not with Alliance already.

  • Not trying to be crash the party but it looks like a strategy to hook up new customers. The renewal in 2014 may be in line with other automobile user clubs (i.e., $120 or so). But still good value for the first year.

  • -1

    Allianz is not transferable. So if you g et. a new car you cant transfer it. Nra have their deal on livingsocial again $239 for 6 years. I would still like some reviews on them

    • +2

      "Allianz is not transferable. So if you g et. a new car you cant transfer it." [sic]

      What are you basing your statement on?
      The T&Cs say otherwise…

      Transferring your membership
      Your roadside assistance membership is not transferable to another person. You may transfer the membership to another vehicle you own, however you must provide 48 hours notice prior to receiving roadside assistance. You may choose to cancel your membership at any time; however no refund will be given to you merely because you decide you do not want the membership.

      Source :…

      • +2

        Yeah I thought too that you couldn't change it to another vehicle so thank you for pointing it out. He probably was under the same impression as me as I was with Allianz roadside and sold my XR6 Turbo in April this year and wasn't able to change it so it must have recently changed.

        • +1

          Ok, so a change for the better :-)

      • Im baseing it on their terms and conditions pdf which states you cant transfer it to either another person or car. If they changed their terms thats great but im not just saying it for the fun of it.

  • Look like a good deal though, it reeks of membership drive. Go it for a year, esp if you are planning an long trip this year.

  • Had one with BudgetDirect/Ultratune, was meant to renew automatically on Monday but didn't go through because of old CC. Timing of this deal couldn't be better. Saved myself $20…where can I spend that now?

  • Otherwise, the 6 year offer from… at around $40/year seems a better bargain, since it also includes rental car and accomo…

    If you then include the "you get it free if 3 other people buy it with your special link" then you bring the price down even further, if you agree with 4 others to share the calculated discount.

    • Can I buy this if I am in melb - since it covers australia wide?


    From NRA Roadside assistance: National Roadservice Australia is a division of Davantage Group Pty Ltd
    ABN 35 161 967 166

    Davantage Group Pty Ltd a group only esablished six months ago. I would be very careful giving my money away to these people, (16/01/2013 1E903767 Application For Registration As A Proprietary Company (201C))

    Also: National Roadservice Australia is a division of Davantage Group Pty Ltd,
    and a subsidiary of Presidian Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.

    Presidian Pty Ltd. only esablished six months ago. I would be very careful giving my money away to these people.(9/01/2013 1E9020045 Application For Registration As A Proprietary Company (201C))

    • Just to avoid possible confusion, the above was a warning about the NRA group offers also making the rounds of the group buy sites and referred to in another post. The offer with this specific bargain is with Allianz who seem to have a pretty decent reputation.


  • Thanks OP bought one. Good deal..

  • Got two, took maybe ten minutes to register them. Thanks, OP. Have stopped reading the messages from spreets, groupon, etc as have had enough of bargains involving having my teeth whitened, staying at dodgey resorts in Thailand, overpriced iPhone accessories, or going to restaurants you'd probably normally cross the road to avoid…. ;-)

  • +1

    Looks like they extended because it now says there are 20 hours left to buy this so this should be marked as unexpired.

  • +1

    The deal is back.

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