Hi guys,
this is my first forum post =S I would like to know your thoughts on the Australian dollar in near future because I will be traveling to Japan at the end of this year and I am aware that the Australian dollar has dropped quite a bit since may 2013 as you can see on the graph below (click on link).
Right now 1 AUD buys 88 Japanese yen from 100 yen 3 months ago, and I will be exchanging around $4000 to yen. So should I wait to see if AUD gets stronger or should I make the exchange now before it drops again.
Kindly await your expert opinions =P thanks
Hang on a sec… Just draggin out my chicken entrails for a quick look.
In all seriousness, it's hard to know. On one hand the A$ is being buffeted by lower mining earnings and on the other, the Japanese yen should also be headed south due to the huge government stimulus which is designed to crush deflation once and for all, piling massive debt upon an already heavily indebted government.
My feeling is that the A$ will trend lower faster than the yen, but I am no forex expert.