(Edited by scotty — please use this old thread for discussion)
what would you choose???. I am buying a hosting plan today. The COVE offer seems too good. But i am stuck between 2 providers. Both have good and bad reviews on whirlpool forums and are both recommended but still cant decide. PLEASE HELP.
COVE au everyday 2
disk space 5GB
bandwidth 25Gb
Add on domains 5
Dedicated my sql No, local sql
Extras $25 yearly bonus
Aussie server yes
shared/own ssl extra cost
Price: $15
discount 50% off for life
Final price $7.50 per month
COVE business 2
disk space 3Gb
bandwidth 25gb
add on domain 5
dedicated my sql yes
extras $50 yearly bonus
Aussie server yes
shared/own ssl extra cost
price $30
discount 50% off for life
final price $15 per month
Unlimted-space business pro
Disk space unlimited
bandwidth 100GB
add on domain 5
dedicated my sql yes
extras 25 bonus yearly bandwidth, $50 google ad voucher
aussie server yes
shared/own ssl shared
price $15
discount 50% of fo 1st invoice
final price $7.50 1st invoice / $15 per month
Please guys honestly tell me which one would you go for. I have read reviews for both. If you have used any of the above providers please give some advice.
Unlimited-space started in 2002 and COVE started in 2008.
It would be great if the representatives of these hosting sites could comment.
what is the difference between my local sql and dedicated sql. Is it anything major
Please use the old thread that you have started.