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Gaming Deals - 60% off and Bargain Bins @ Harvey Norman Taren Point (NSW)



I was wandering through Harvey Norman today and stumbled across these bargain bins. Some pretty good deals on games and accessories throughout the store and more than just what i posted.

This was from the Harvey Norman at Taren Point and i have no idea if its statewide.





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closed Comments

  • +5

    Don't bother going to Qv in Melbourne , just a small table of ordinary PC games at ordinary prices

    • +1

      meh i was just about to run there when i saw the price of WOW….. thank for the info. dissapointed

      • Might be worth a call if I remember right there was a wow stand near the sale table

  • $70 for Grease Dance on the 360? $70?!?!?!

    • $27.98 actually ;)

  • +5

    Ah crap - I thought this was a special on storage, with 60% off that actual Bargain Bins.

    Ah well,

    • +13

      translation: please neg me

        • No one understands that facetiousness doesn't work well over the internet.

        • couldn't you hear it in my tone of voice?

        • +2

          HTTP Error 503 - Service unavailable

  • +3

    I hope they have Madden 98

  • was thinking of getting back in 2 WoW, how much is that MoP expantion in the photo?

    • The one in the photo is the Warcraft 3 Battlechest, not WoW I think.

      • There is the Warcraft Battlechest and WoW Mists of Pandaria - the latter of which has its price tag out of shot.

  • I think he means this photo: http://imgur.com/jMzhlfw

  • +2

    Battlechest for $5?!?! worthh it, I lost my copy of WC3 been looking for a cheap copy of it.

  • I believe its 60% off the MARKED PRICE of the item, not what is actually marked on the box = what you pay. Unless its specifically marked at a discounted price (as some are in the $5 bin)

    • yeh it is. I went in a couple of weeks ago and saw Resident Evil PS3 in the Bin (marked 50% off). Price on the case was $77 (=$38.50) but on the shelves it was marked $33 (non discounted stock).

      When they originally did the bargain bins (a month or two ago) it was to clear out excess stock because they were downsizing the games department. I saw Final Fantasy X-12 marked at $24 or something like that but it is WAY under that online.

  • Anything at Harvey Norman Highpoint?

    • Some decently priced PS3 and Xbox 360 games at Harvey Norman…good games as well.

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