Would there be any laws which dictates which times I must play at? Laws related to noise level?
I'm thinking of buying and installing a basketball hoop
MasterNoob on 17/08/2013 - 21:10
Don't install it on a brick gable end of a house or garage. Those bricks have been known to fall when someone hangs on the hoop. Here is one incident http://www.smh.com.au/news/National/Boy-who-lost-three-limbs… and check out this Google https://www.google.com.au/#bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&fp=ca04e2e727a7…
No specific laws, but public nuisance laws (common sense) will apply.
Don't play before 7 or after 9 (or earlier if your neighbors have little kids)Just don't yell out "SLAAAAAM DUNNNKKK" to loudly
I think that may be a council thing. I have been woken up by the neighbours kids bounce, bounce, thud of the basketball, used to drive me insane, then they grew up and whole other set of noise issues became a problem!