Question regarding the TRS

Long time lurker, first time forumer?

I am planning to buy a MacBook Air and claim the tax back when I travel overseas. According to the government TRS website, a good is excluded from the TRS if it is a 'consumables wholly or partially consumed in Australia'.

So I was wondering if I am able to play / enjoy any part of my MBA in Australia (or even open the box) before I take it overseas.

Thank you in advance.


  • +4

    Buy it within 60 days of your travel date, use it, pack it in your hand luggage, show the product and the receipt at the TRS counter, get 10% back. Simples.

    • Well actually you get 9% back..

    • I'm in the same boat. So I can buy a laptop and use it, and just pack it in my hand luggage without any of the packaging, and as long as I have the receipt and its within 60 days I can still claim the TRS??

      • Yes. I have personally purchased a laptop and ipad and did just that

    • Agreed. You can use it as much as you like as long as you have bought it within the last 30 days (I might be wrong and it can be 60 as 'tendliya' above has suggested).
      You just need to show the product and the receipt when claiming TRS. Although keep in mind that if the value is more than $1000, you will need your name and address on the bill.

      • It changed to 60 days I think earlier this year

  • Here is the detail:

    "The refund only applies to goods you take with you as hand luggage or wear (unless aviation security measures, in regard to liquids, aerosols and gels prevent you from doing so) onto the aircraft or ship when you leave Australia. It does not apply to services or goods consumed or partly consumed in Australia, such as wine, chocolate or perfume. However, unlike other tourist shopping schemes, most of the goods, such as clothing and cameras, can be used in Australia before departure."

  • +4

    In true Ozbargain style I did exactly this with our wedding rings when leaving on our honeymoon - I wonder how many married couples actually think of it ;-)

    The GST refund alone nearly covered the cost of one of the overseas flights ;-)

  • I did this with the gf's Ipad Mini. She opened the package and used it for a month before we went overseas - bring the receipt to TRS office at Sydney airport and they will give you a refund.

    Also, when you are returning with the product, generally speaking you are allowed $900 (check this value) of undeclared GST-free goods from overseas. This can include gifts/products you buy overseas, but will also include the MBA you declared when you left. Any more than $900 you will have to declare and pay GST on I presume. Keep that in mind.

  • thanks everyone ^_^

  • Of course if you bring the same items back and the goods you bring back are over the tax free limit, you are liable to be charged GST for the whole amount at entry to Australia. However, I don't think customs are strictly enforcing this….

  • 60 days is the new limit. and not stricted to a single invoice. very good deal.

  • if you are a resident or citizen and claim the TRS on the MBA and take it overseas that is fine,

    i suggest you really hide any TRS paper work. upon returning to australia and customs can prove that you bought the MBA in australia, and claimed the TRS and brought back the same item into the country and is worth more than $900 you are liable to pay duty on the MBA.

    in the case of the guy above with the wedding rings… lucky they dont enforce the rule that much but if he had the TRS paper work sitting there and customs had noticed it and seen the ring on the wifes finger. i would say he would of needed to pay back the GST, + any fines had he not declared it. just lucky,

  • Good for him for getting away with it but you'd think if customs were smart enough, they'd be flagging anyone who claims a refund on wedding rings and checking them on the way back. May be they just couldn't be bothered but it would be a very easy target.

  • Recently bought a 5S.

    A close relative is going away who owns an iPhone 4.

    How closely do they inspect the goods?

    • first thing is you need to check if your name is stated in the tax invoice.

      if not, your best chance is to let your relative have the box and present it altogether to the officer.

    • As far as I am aware with the Iphones, they do check the serial number on the handset and make sure it is the same one that you are carrying. Only then they will refund GST.

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