This was posted 11 years 6 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Humble Weekly Sale: Hosted by Pewdepie - Pay What You Want


Pay what you want to get ($1 min for keys):

  • Botanicula
  • McPixel
  • The Showdown Effect
  • Thomas Was Alone

If you pay more than the average, you'll also receive:

  • Amnesia: The Dark Descent

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Botanicula is supposed to be quite good.appeals to the girl gamers out there too.

  • This is seriously amazing value. I would be all over it if I didn't own all the games already.

  • +4

    Would you believe that I prefer this bundle to the EA one? I've played all but DS3 in the EA bundle on PS3 so I passed on it.

    • +6

      Nope, I didn't believe you.

      • +1

        Would you believe I prefer margarine to butter?

        • +4

          I might try and believe that, can't guarantee anything though. Having said that, nothing can beat playing Amnesia around midnight while crunching on some raisin toast with margarine. This is indeed a very good bundle.

      • Well he said he's already played all the EA bundle so yeah I believe him. If he hadn't though…

        • i haven't played any games in the EA bundle, and i really don't have any interest to…i would take this indie bundle over the EA bundle any day of the week!

          not everyone is into FPS or the like, you know!

          (i did buy the EA bundle tho…ahaha. more games i'll never play!)

    • +2

      Personally, I thought that the bundle was worth buying for DS3 alone. Not to mention I feel giddy inside when I know 100% of my share has gone to a charity. I have bought almost every bundle that has come out and have not installed a single one on my PC.

      I can only encourage others to grab it even if they can only see an iota of value in a bundle.

      • I hated the first two DS games and I only use Steam on PC so I have little use for the EA bundle. The only game of semi-interest to me was BF3 and that was Origin so pass.

        • +1

          I liked DS1 way more than DS2. DS2 was a poke horror…never had the scary moments. I knew exactly what's going to happen and when. And I have not played DS3.

          I paid above the avg to get a copy of Sims 3 for the Mrs. Think she deserves an upgrade from Sims 2 which she was still playing.

          Already own BF3…so that key has gone to a friend.
          Origin is just another client, and I treat it that way, my major gaming client is and till something drastic happens, will be Steam.

        • Well you're in the minority my friend; since most people will agree that DS1>DS2>DS3.

        • I think he meant 'I hated the first 2, why would I bother with the third?'.

        • +1

          If you thought DS2 butchered the survival horror vestiges of the first, then DS3 is like the series trying to parody itself and failing miserably. It's another generic dude-bro shooter with all the watered-down consolised trappings you can expect from EA produced sequels.

        • DS3 doesn't even have horror, it's just a shooter. The co-op is fun though. DS1 is the best in the series but the controls on PC are awful.

        • Plug in an xbox 360 controller.


      • +4

        Not to mention I feel giddy inside when I know 100% of my share didn't go to a EA :)

      • Well, technically it's not 100% to charity given Humble still got their tip, but I can agree it feels good knowing EA got nothing.

        • No, I'm pretty sure you can change the settings to 100% charity can't you? Otherwise the setting is 15% Humble.

        • Yeah you can, but the default is that 15% goes to Humble. When I read smater_fool's comment I just naturally assumed he used the default, but I guess he could have changed it.

    • +3

      Yes. Thomas was alone is the best game I have played in the last 12 months. That alone is better than the each bundle.

  • Just pay 0.01 for soundtracks if thats what you prefer .I know i did :)

  • How's it goin bros….

    Ma name is PewwwwdiePie.

    • +7

      God, I hate this guy… Still going to buy the bundle though

      • I'd act immature on youtube too if it would mean I could be the most subscribed channel. Imagine how much money he is making.. Not sure if he acts like that in real life?

  • nice, always wanted amnesia after i missed it last time in another bundle

  • +3

    This one has separate keys for each game if anyone's interested in that piece of info.
    I already have Thomas Was Alone so here's my gift to one lucky OzBargainer: RYKW2-EJJPD-BP2YE

    • +8

      No one gives a shit about your opinion either.

      • Good point.

    • Well done, you've shown your class.

  • indie title and triple a are not mutually exclusive.

    • +2

      Actually they pretty much are:

      AAA game, a lingo in the video game industry for games developed for major platforms with enormous marketing budgets.

      Generally the exact opposite of what an indie title is.

      • I think perhaps he meant; it's not buy one or the other, they're both cheap (in this case) so buy 'em both.

        • +1

          No, I think he was just confused about what AAA actually means. Many people think AAA means high quality, which I agree indie games can certainly be, but the industry definition of AAA is as above - large budget and big dev team. Usually AAA means backed by a publisher too (which is where the large budget comes from).

    • Some of the best titles I've played recently have been from small indie studios. These are the guys putting out the truly original stuff right now. Its no coincidence that Sony are shepherding the indie devs into their stable as fast as possible and now it seems that MS are trying to follow suit.

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