Free Baby Bottle. Only to the first 5000 applicants! Hurry!
Free Baby Bottle. First 5000 Only. Be Quick

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Cheers, now to wait and see :)
Woohoo, thanks, the baby bottle is done, lets find their mother now!
Thanks, comes handy
Sorry for those who missed out, I understand how does it feel when you really need something and some people just do not have any social responsibility. I actually didn't order this, was just kidding (about the first part ;) to be honest)
Thanks. I missed out (serves me right for working instead of F5ing OzB all day) but my wife has bought 2 of these bottles a couple of weeks ago despite my stingy objections that the 3 for $4 bottles would do the same job. I believe a little bargain fairy dies every time someone pays full retail for a product like this.
Thanks OP.
Thanks mate, this will come in handy
Thanks op
Have been spending heaps on bottles to try wean my lil oneGood find!
Good for the gym!
Ozbargainers can you refrain from claiming this if you are not going to use it just because it is free? I know it will be hard to resist temptation but some parents may desperately need a free bottle and will put it to good use instead of it gathering dust.
if a parent cannot afford a $10 bottle, they probably can't afford a baby.
that said, i agree - if you don't need it, don't claim
It's not that they necessary do not have $10 of expendable income, it's more that for the pressures of a family, $10 saved is $10 that could go to a nights dinner, for example.
It's not just one $10 bottle- it can be sometimes 5+ different ones to find the one your baby will take- then you need about 5 of this bottle to use through the day then it's different size teats as they grow and the teats need to be replaced every 3 months. That is without the formula costs and all the other costs that go with a baby.
You are right $10 isn't much but sometimes it costs $100 to find the right one.
I think that Your first sentence is Bit harsh there Mate, I hope Karma doesn't bite you in the ass one day!
Agree totally when you are trying to wean it can become so expensive trying to find the right bottle and
Yep!!! thats right :)
-must restrain-
cmon.. Why neg it.. I'm getting it for my cuz who just had a baby boy.. if its a freebie I can certainly buy it as a gift..
hehe.. his justification just made them madder
you are sick.. very sick… I'm guessing your jaw hurts?
Reported to FBI
True.. defrauding TWO when it clearly says one per household/person.. I hope they put their best man on it
Reported for reporting.
I was in Rockhampton once.. they don't like your kind
true.. I'll whip all that stuff together and see what I can come up with.
Great nick btw
You are a tool
I got one but I'm going to put mine in the local Lifeline bin when I get it.
doubt a suicidal knocked up teen is gonna want a shoddy quality promotional baby bottle
Seriously guys.. for a deal with the words "baby bottle" there sure are a lot of downright creepy comments
2747 clicks… hmm…
Hope I make it. :) Thanks OP. We are using this brand so it's great. :)
2253 left.. how many babies you got??
I haven't received a confirmation email yet though…
In their Ts & Cs.
5.Each valid claimant will receive a return online notification confirming that their claim has been received and will be fulfilled. By submitting a claim, claimants consent to receiving this electronic message.So I don't know if I qualified…?
email 'em an ultrasound to better your chances..
Thanks OP, I'm due in Jan so this may come in handy :)
As much as I love freebies, I'll take a pass on this one and leave it for the mums and dads
Another JV!
The good one ?
I feel that most people that claimed this wouldnt need it :/
This jv is 25 y/o, how old is the other one?
I'll give it to someone as a baby shower gift.
are they out? I can't seem to see any where to put my details
Shouldn't be expired as Frantic says 2200+ left 39 mins ago. I know ozbargainers are quick to jump on a freebie but not that quick.
I thought it might have been IE's popup blocker but turned that off and still no go. Is this also happening in chrome or FF? can't test cause locked down work PC only has IE of course
deal probably got canned after "closer to nature baby" saw this trainwreck of a thread
I cannot see the section where I am supposed to enter any details….
Aussie mums for ya
where to fill the details?
is the offer still valid?finished? where to fill the form>?
have 3 months baby would be useful with free bottleCan't fill in details anywhere. is this expired?
How do you enter your details on screen because there's no place on screen to click to do so?
I'm having the same it expired?
I would say so.
The real mums finally showed up..
Thanks OP.
I don't have a baby, what am I going to do with the bottle?
Make a baby before bottle arrives. Resolved… ;)
(Just kidding. I also didn't order but like the deal )think you edited that comment just in time..
Hahaha, yes I'll make a baby just to get the free bottle :-)
I hope everyone who got this that doesn't have a baby (or one on the way) chokes on whatever they put in it
Expired….or should i say Ozbargained!!!
Won't let us put in details :( so expired, hope only the people who need it go it cause so many people go for everything even thought they don't need it !
Yer I needed one but didnt get one :(
Here comes the negs LOL! But still not happy with those who decided to claim one just for the sake of a freebie. There's being a ozbargainer and there's being plain greedy. Some parents with young infants missed out because some others decided to have one more thing to collect dust at home.
I did the honourable thing and didn't claim. There's my good deed done for the day
Damn, missed out…
See what happens when I actually put my work first!Wow I wonder why OP was up and posting this at 4am, I was long dead at that hour lol.
I imagine OP has a baby. No internal clock on those things
Yeah, I have two little ones, and my daughter is teething, so she kept me awake. Good thing, too, or I might have never have seen this awesome freebie.
Really? You wonder why the people posting baby stuff are up at 4am?? You know that's happy-hour for babies right?
so early and they are all gone
Faster than those reflex paper! What gives!?
To those without kids who got this, I hope your free Durex condom breaks!!
just kidding - missed out. you guys are quick
you guys are quick
That's how they ended up with a kid.
Quick, slow, I don't even remember it happening this time!!!
With an 11 day old boy I actually was up around time of posting, silly me for not browsing ozbargain while feeding!
woah, anyone else get an email telling them that there application is invalid and they won't be getting one?
Dammit one of the first freebies with a genuine use in this household and I was too slow.
Guess I will just have to go and bask in the glow of my adult diapers and my little bag of dukkah and give thanks for small mercies……..Agreed… Especially when you say 'genuine use'!
Got one, thanks!
Was thinking to buy one for my daughter, thanks OP you saved my $10 ;)
That's why you need to be an early bird, first in first served, as it will be popular among all the "parents", real or not. I saw this one at 7.45am in the morning, and at that time, only about 40+ votes.
That was my thought first thing this morning too… Do I get my boy up and feed him or check out OzB?
Actually that's bs. He stayed at his Grandparents last night. I just slept in!!! :)
Awesome freebie, hopefully they do send it though :)
Got the bottle this morning
got mine yesterday.
Arrived today. Nice soft nipple substitutes! Truly is Closer to Nature!
Got mine today! very nice bottle.
Got mine too- daughter happy to use it thanks op
Yay, hope it comes through !