This was posted 11 years 6 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

90% off Any New Web Hosting or VPS Service for up to 1 Year


Zuver is celebrating its first anniversary by offering the deal of the decade! Simply purchase any new cPanel web hosting service or VPS service and take 90% off the first invoice. Done deal!

There are no catches, gotchas or anything else associated with this deal. Simply pick a plan, put in the coupon during checkout, and enjoy 90% off the first invoice on any billing cycle offered.

Any questions or feedback please don't hesitate to comment. :-)

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Damn that's good. Nice offer.

  • Prices seem quite steep. Discount is good though. Shame its not recurring!

    • Steep for Australian hosting? You've got to be kidding right? :-P

      • Nope. I have an Australian VPS for less than that with more specs, and couldn't be happier. I do have web hosting with you guys which is great!

  • Cheers… but why, like so many Australian hosting companies, does your order form only have Australia/New Zealand on it for the address? Do you not accept/want overseas people to host with you? Or not allowed? Or something else?

    • We only accept clients from AU/NZ and it mainly based on fraud checking purposes. It's also not very common for most people to want a service hosted in Australia given how far we are from everybody else unless you live or do business here.

      • Cheers… not common, but not unheard of either. Whenever I have sent good cheap available Oz hosting offers to my list, of mostly north Americans, it has been quite popular in the past.

        Of course I could just resell them your multi-hosting, but that sounds like work :)

  • Is this offer for renewals also?

    • New orders only, sorry!

  • Just placed an order, thanks Zuver! How long does account activation take.

    • It should be instant if it's paid by CC or PayPal. Let us know the invoice number if you have any dramas and I will chase it up!

  • Deal seems a good one. I've just signed up for 12 months to give it a try.

    Why do you charge $5 to change the primary domain on the account? My other hosts don't charge anything.

    Any other "hidden" charges that we should be aware of?

    • REP?

  • Wow that's cheap! May give the VPS a go.
    What are the excess bandwidth charges per gb? Or is the service simply shut down?
    Are there any restrictions on what I can run on the VPS after the OS is installed? (nginex, etc)
    What sort of uptime SLA do you provide?
    How much are additional dedicated IP addresses?

    • Excess bandwidth is $5 per GB. You can run anything as long as it doesn't violate the AUP. Zuver does not have an SLA as it's best effort but having said that we have close to 100% uptime every month. Dedicated IP's are $5 per month per IP.

  • Hi Rep,

    Can we buy more ram, if so how much is it? Are addons included in the 90% off?

    • Only the base product is included in the deal. RAM is $10 per 1GB from memory but please confirm with Sales first.

  • Hi - Is it possible to purchase the hosting without specifying an initial domain?

  • -5

    Hi Rep.

    I'm very curious and wanted to ask this question for awhile so this is the perfect opportunity.

    Why is it that Australian-based web hosting is soooooooo much more expensive than US-based hosting companies.

    Also, why don't you offer unlimited domains and unlimited storage like most others in the industry nowadays?

    If this mob can (and their servers are in Australia too), why can't you?

    Based on pure specs and what you get for your money, your offering is almost insulting (even after 90% 'discount').

    • +2

      Lots of reasons mate.

      Australian web hosting is more expensive due to the costs involved in server colocation and staff costs (high minimum wages here). Bandwidth in Australia is extremely expensive which is why you will see Australian web hosting plans have a lot less data transfer available.

      There is no such thing as unlimited whatever. Shared web hosts pack hundreds of customers per server. If say you had 400 people on a crazydomains server and everyone used 500GB that would be 200TB of space which is obviously not possible. Same thing with unlimited bandwidth, it's just not possible. Feel free to be cheap and go for oversold hosting but it won't meet the expectations that you expect.

      Another point is that crazydomains outsource their support, while the VentraIP group (who manage Zuver) have all their staff located in Australia.

      You really do pay for what you get.

    • don't think they offer cPanel - that was a deal breaker for me when I was looking last week.

    • +2

      crazydomains are not really australian… and maybe a bit dodgy.

      The .au domain name registration business conducted at this website, (“this site”) is operated by or on behalf of Dreamscape Networks FZ-LLC of Dubai Internet City, United Arab Emirates.

      Dreamscape Networks FZ-LLC has been appointed as a reseller of .au domain names by Web Address Registration Pty Ltd ACN 154 051 699 (formerly known as Crazy Domains Pty Ltd) but is not controlled by Web Address Registration Pty Ltd.

      A person who registers a .au domain name at this site is entering into a contract with Dreamscape Networks FZ-LLC and not Web Address Registration Pty Ltd.

      Dreamscape Networks FZ-LLC is not registered for Australian GST and is not able to issue proper tax invoices which may be used by eligible Australian business enterprises to claim Input Tax Credits.

      Dreamscape Networks FZ-LLC is not an auDA* accredited registrar and is not in any way affiliated with or sponsored or approved by auDA*. Dreamscape Networks FZ-LLC's products and services are not in any way sponsored or approved by auDA.

    • Happy to answer this for you. "Unlimited" domains and storage is asking for trouble. Think about it a little more logically.

      When did you last see a hard drive on OzBargain that had unlimited storage space? Never, and I don't think you ever will.

      Storage space is finite and costs money to deploy and manage. Also, if you allow "unlimited" domains without a policy you can run in to inode problems and load issues. It's all about how you manage it.

      We don't talk down a competitor but do your homework is all I can say. Our services are proven and all of our staff are Australian based, and we issue tax invoices.

  • +1

    Why do you charge $5 to change the primary domain on the account? My other hosts don't charge anything.

    Any other "hidden" charges that we should be aware of?

    • Think of it like an airline. If you change the name on the ticket you get charged a fee to do it.

  • How hassle-free to do the following if one buys a 1 year plan (to get the best discount) and then

    1) Decides to cancel before the 1 year ends
    2) Decides to switch to a monthly plan at the end of the year, to avoid paying 1 upfront at full rate
    3) Decides to downgrade to another plan at the end of year

    Not that I am trying to be a typical Ozbargainer, I really don't need this hosting right now as have other facilities, and the full rates doesn't make me jump in. But.. the discount is epic and I might just try one of the packages for 1 year, and may be I will continue or may be not.

    By the way +1 for your comments on 'unlimited'

    • If you cancel before the end of the year, nothing to do. All services are pre-paid so if you cancel there are no refunds.

      You can switch the monthly at the end of the first time, no problems there at all.

      Downgrades can also be done, no problems there.

  • Yet another web hosting deals where the rep goes missing. If questions cannot be answered, what guarantee is there that the hosting tickets be answered or solved. Disappointed.

    • Apologies! We don't get notices of new comments.

  • Thanks, much appreciated replies!

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