We sell Australia's biggest range of cases from high quality Chinese brands. We do not sell replica cases out of China, we sell brands that are designed and manufactured in China! We want to bring Australia the best China has to offer in non-replica, high quality cases that retain the low price but give buyers access to the wider range!
Delivery price: FREE (regular)
Express Delivery price: $6.99 (flat)
Delivery times: 8-10 days for China items; 2-5 days for Australia stock;
Express Delivery times: 4-6 days for China items; 1-2 days for Australia stock;
Popular phones we stock cases for:
Samsung Galaxy SIII cases: http://www.xcases.com.au/samsung-cases/cell-phone-cases/gala…
Samsung Galaxy SIV cases: http://www.xcases.com.au/samsung-cases/cell-phone-cases/sams…
Samsung Note II cases: http://www.xcases.com.au/samsung-cases/cell-phone-cases/sams…
iPhone 4/4s cases: http://www.xcases.com.au/iphone/iphone-4s-cases
iPhone 5 cases: http://www.xcases.com.au/iphone/iphone-5-cases
Please note this is an OzBargain member special - we have storewide discounts and the 10% off is in addition to that. Any purchased products can be returned with no questions asked if you don't like them!
Please feel free to ask any questions here!
FFS - put some detail in the post regarding model + prices + delivery $$$