This was posted 11 years 5 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

$39.99 Battlefield 4 Pre-Orders Digital Delivery


You will get Battlefield 4 CD Key (scan of the cd key from original DVD box). You can activate and download the game on Origin. This key can not be activated on Steam platform.

Only 39.99$ also offering but extra the EU Std.+ China Rising (+$15.00)

Official AUS CDKeysHere Branch.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Note: the $40 version is the RU version.

    • Can we still play with Aussies with this version and is it in English?

      • Probably, but you'll also have to download language packs & edit the registry on every patch update like it is in BF3 if you have the RU version.

      • Yes you can play all servers and in English.

        If a registry/language file is needed we will provide immediately.

  • +1

    the EU standard + china rising should be in english though right?

    • The EU contains English correct :)

  • What's the best price people have seen for the EU version with China Rising?

    • Ours is 55$ on the above link if that helps you :)

    • $55 or thereabouts seems to be the cheapest.

      Note though often after these games are released the sale price from cd key sites falls…

      • But won't it then not come with preorder dlc?

  • Why aren't people going for this: ?????

    • "They ship from China and can take 1-4 weeks for delivery."

      • And where does it say that?

        • First comment.

  • EA is doing everything they can to stop these key resellers, from my experience with SimCity, I would never pre-order an Origin key from any of these again. The site I got my SimCity key from insisted it was English, yet it was locked to East European languages. Of course, if you like patching the language files every single update, go ahead.

    • So what's the cheapest local box price?

    • We offer EU option for those who dislike easy patching.

  • -1

    Why would we buy from you rather than CDkeyshere??

    • when i click on the link, the banner says it IS cdkeyshere…

      whats that about?

  • When is the game coming out?

  • Is this game going to have in-game VOIP like BF2 or the same 'friends only' VOIP in BF3?

  • Most of us are going to regret not buying it from Origin when we are all playing the early access BETA.

    If you are happy to wait so long without playing you might as well wait even longer for a cheaper price after release….

    I don't want to buy it from Origin but they don't really give us a choice.

    • +2

      Should of got BF3 Premium then :P

      • That gives you BF4 beta as well?

        Damn… Now its going to cost me a lot of money :/

        • yeh i got premium

          but still waiting on the beta

          when is that due for access?

      • Doesn't owning medal of honor also do it ?

    • Origin is one of the greatest crimes in gaming.

      I was playing Mass Effect 3, clicked on DLC to check what was available, it minimized my game and brought up Origin (always poor design to minimize your game and tab out), and out of habit I closed Origin when I didn't find anything I wanted (DLC is so expensive), then when I went back to my game, it said Origin was closed, game is now shutting down. It didn't warn me, or give me a chance to save, or allow me the chance to reopen Origin so that the game doesn't close and I don't lose my progress.

      Just poor.

      Its only purpose is DRM. It's nowhere near as good as Steam. You don't get many sales on it, there's not many titles available, and everything is expensive. Even is a much better implementation.

      • I have two copies of BF3 on my XBMC mediacenter PC. One pirated that doesn't use Origin, which makes launching MUCH easier via a batchscript and a legit copy for multiplier, that is a pain in the ass to launch.

        Funny how the pirated experience is simpler. All DRM does is punish paying customers.

        • thats odd.. i've played over 400 hours of bf3 and have only had 3 or 4 minor issues with major updates over the last two years.

          i dont even see origin. simply go straight to the battlelog via chrome and bf3 launches without showing origin at all. not sure what you're doing wrong.

        • -1

          Clearly you don't know what I'm talking about.

        • i dont see how double clicking the official bf3 icon on the desktop is any harder than using a batch file. origin sits in the system tray, like steam does - and you play the game.

          maybe enlighten us?

        • I have BF3 too… the initial update after the install took HOURS. It's slow.

        • Firstly, XBMC has replaced my explorer.exe as system shell, so there is no tray for it to minimise too.

          Secondly every game on my computer is launched by a custom batch file that is then imported into XBMC's Advanced Launcher library.

          These scripts:
          1. Force XBMC to quit (as XBMC uses GPU resources)
          2. Launches the game
          3. The script continually monitors if the game is running, in this case if bf3.exe is active.
          4. When bf3.exe ends, XBMC is relaunched.

          Giving a true console feel.

          If Origin is thrown into the mix, it's much more difficult as there is a delay from when the script runs and when bf3.exe is loaded, hench not knowing if the games been exited, or if it's still loading.

          Plus, correct me if I'm wrong even single player requires launching via the battlelog web page? Try doing that using a controller….it's a pain in the ass, and pointless.

      • I am no fan of Origin, but to say it is worse than is stretching it a bit.

        Origin doesn't have massive downtime every Tuesday night for one….

        • doesn't minimize the game client tray and "alt-tab" to its interface. It's instead integrated into the game client. Out of habit I close something when it doesn't interest me, and if you close Origin, you kill your game without warning.

 has its annoyances for sure. I don't like needing to enter my password every time I want to play a game. But I really think not much effort went into designing Origin.

  • when do we get the cdkey?

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