Tired of using earphones of which only one of the earbuds work. What are some good deals out there right now for earphones under the $120 range?
Best earphones for under $120?
They are about $150 from amazon.com but if you are prepared to wait they are often on special.
Assuming you are OK with over ear phones.omg, another m50 sheep. face palm
Refer to the above before you buy any IEM's.
I've got M50's and they lack bass, very detailed though.
My most recent IEM's are the Vsonic VSD1 which sound insane, awesome bass, mids, highs, very well balanced. Will only set you back about $40 shipped too.
bought the sennheiser amperiors for 160..
if you can stretch your budget, then goes for thosethe amperiors are currently not on sale.
they aint even on jb's website.. go into a few stores and ask.. thats how I got mine =)
yes, I too bought my amperiors at 160 however that was the price when jbhifi were having a 20% off all headphones. The amperiors back then were priced at 200 and went back down to 160.
btw, i really hate how the amperior wires are so exposed. ): when I was adjusting the headband, the cables slightly fell out of place so I kept making small cuts in the rubber of the wire.
I have a pair of brainwavz B2s. They come down to $109 delivered when on sale:
Really comfy to wear and sound great.
The Brainwavz B2s are currently $99.50 delivered with coupon code B21DAY60
just realised he said earphones. centrecom has the quad driver sonys for 159 =)
I got the triples for 129 and they are fantasticmuch more bass I believe on the quads
The triples were $39 from Sony.com.au here about a month ago and the Quads were $129 from Mwave 3 weeks ago.
The triples were $39 from Sony.com.au
You mean the XBA3s? They were $50.
According to this it's the Rockit Sounds R-50:
http://www.head-fi.org/t/478568/multi-iem-review-292-iems-co…I have hd 555 senhesier headphones for iPod. And they are excellent.
But when I go out I really like the quality of apple ear pods. No kidding. Maybe not the best for under $120.
But they are really really good. I like to listen to pop or trance, but mostly listen to classical music which needs high quality earphones, and surprising apple ear pods meet my standards. $35! How cheap is that.Can save money and get something like hd 558 senhesier later. Or something else.
Not that great of a deal since it's RRP but I've always wanted to try these after hearing about how good they are: http://rockitsounds.com/shop/product/?prod_id=16