it's been near 60 days since i submitted the application, but i still have not heard anything from them.
Anyone received the cashback from Microsoft?????

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expert reader?????
a joke!!!!!
It said that all cashback would be done by the 31st of Auguest, I sent mine in late though so I don't expect it for a while.
ok, 2 weeks to go.
Got my cashback yesterday. Mailed mine on the 2nd last day.
thanks, i will keep an eye on my mail box.
I bought 3 items close to 2 years back. Applied for the cash back from microsoft. Never received the cashback. After about 6 moths I emailed them with the confirmation number and email I received in email after lodging the cashback. It's been a year from that email request, I am still waiting a reply from them. I don't think they would ever send a reply to that.
As I recall I spend about 50 bucks on some unnecessary things from microsoft. Now I am closely watching OZB to see if any freebie pops up from Microsoft to get my revenge/recover the loss from
it is why i have not opened the box. if i cant get the cash back, i will return them to the officeowrks.
Got the cashback 29th August. WOW that took SO long.
Made sure i sent receipt by registered post this time as last year I sent it via ordinary post and never received cashback. I asked why I hadn't and they said they hadn't received the receipt as proof and that I was no longer eligible even if I sent a replacement as the promotion period had ended.
no..should i be receiving a cashback?
reduce your question marks and More info would be useful….