• expired

TPG New Bundle Plan $88/Month for Unlimited Calls to 80 Countries


TPG Eighty Eight Bundle:

  • UNLIMITED Local Calls – Incl. 13/1300 Numbers
  • UNLIMITED Standard National Calls to Landlines
  • Wi-Fi Modem Router included
  • UNLIMITED Calls to TPG Mobile
  • The Eighty Eight Bundle includes unlimited calls to Landline & Mobile numbers in the following 80 Countries.

Hong Kong
Puerto Rico

FAQ read in here https://www.tpg.com.au/support/faqs.php#8.1

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closed Comments

      • +21

        So if you saw women's underwear, would you neg it because it is not for u?
        How about if there was a deal not within your state?
        It means that it is not a bad deal, it's just not a deal for you. Rookie mistake.

        • Yes I am sad they did not include Mauritius and they included Seychelles

        • -1

          Reunion too

      • +2

        We're racist.

    • +15

      I am from Australia.
      No Australia
      No deal

    • +2

      One of the worse reasons I've seen so far to neg a deal. Wonder how many people even know where Mauritius is!

      • -1

        At least some do

        • At least 1.3 million people do.

    • +1

      I was surprised when i saw their mobile plans changed. They only have one now. It's $2 more expensive with less calls and 500mb less data. Guess they were't making much money in that dept.

      • oh wow as if they got rid of all of them and replaced it with a crappier single plan! :/

    • +1

      So don't grab the higher priced bundles if you won't use them?

      It's not like their $59.99 (incl. line rental) ADSL2+ unlimited plan has gone anywhere, it's right under the $69/$79/$88 bundles.

      • This is the plan I have. It's beautiful.

  • How is TPG compared to say Optus quality-wise?

    • +3

      much better than Vodafone for sure.

    • +5

      TPG uses the Optus network so it would be exactly if you were using 3G.

    • Well, if I am not mistaken optus will have poorer reception indoor because they don't use the 850mhz spectrum. The are generally quite reliable though. But I can get reception in Pacific Square(maroubra junction) those living there would understand what I am saying.

      • Optus doesn't have 850, but it does have 900 which has equivalent indoor reception.

    • I am on TPG (optus) and it is hands down better than Vodafail (my last provider). All the reception holes are plugged in now. Telstra probably would be better but for my purposes TPG/Optus works.

    • TPG use the optus lines, so in terms of connectivity its exactly the same. In terms of service, well I've never been with optus, but I was with TPG for about 5 years until I recently change to vaya because their plans are pretty much what tpg's used to be and still use optus as the carrier.. in both circumstances, i think the service is definitely a little poorer.. but cheaper..

    • -2

      TPG uses the Optus wholesale network which does not give full use of both Optus' 3G band frequencies.

      • Wrong. TPG gets full access to Optus's Dual Band 3G (900/2100 MHz) network.

        • +1

          wouldnt matter, i think. Optus network is bad.

  • +1

    I'm not sure what all the fuss is about, unless u can share a link to a better deal…troll elsewhere.
    These are bundle you choose yourself, it's not forced on you.

  • -1

    already ported to aldi, good bye my dear TPG

    • aldi got internet bundle as well? hmm this is new for me
      how much is the aldi internet bundle?

    • +2

      This is for internet and home phone.
      You must be talking about mobile.
      If you think TPG had bad customer service, you have no idea how bad Aldi really is..

      • ohh I thought he was talking about aldi got internet service as well :)
        where is aldi customer support? in germany ?

      • +1

        I think customer service left in 1969. We're all still looking for it but I think that we're as likely to find it as we are to see a purple Yeti strolling around the middle of Martin Place in Sydney during lunch, handing out free passes to the first Virgin flight to outer space.

  • +3
    • UNLIMITED Local Calls – Incl. 13/1300 Numbers
    • etc …

    You forgot UNLIMITED ADSL2+

    • +2

      Seems like a kind of important fact to mention… TPG's unlimited ADSL2+ plan alone is $59.99. So you're only paying $28/month for an almost unlimited landline.

      • Was just about to post this, surprised I had to scroll down this far to see it. I was thinking $88 for a phone plan is ridiculous.

        Skipping that is OP is almost negworthy

  • Dang, no Philippines.. parents in law would have been all over it and I would have been a hero!

    Looks like a good deal for anyone who calls overseas often and needs unlimited Internet. Optus or telstra offer nothing like it.

    • +3

      You are from the Philippines?
      No Philppines?
      No Deal?

    • +11

      Funny when you call their help line it goes to the Philippines.
      Maybe they could redirect your calls from there ?

      • The most creative idea! I reckon making free calls to Philippines and India will soon be available to every one, no matter which carrier one is using, at least there are plenty big companies' 1800 service lines were also out sourced.

  • +7

    The plan that's $8.01 cheaper a month has unlimited calls to all Australian mobiles but this plan only has unlimited calls to TPG mobiles….

    • The cheaper one is much better value imo. Unlimited mobile calls are more useful.

      • Well and chances are most of us won't use those 80 countries, the 79.99 plan can let you call to quite a few countries.

  • From the FAQ, looks like any change to the ADSL2+ service will terminate this plan. So keep that in mind if you may wish to trim down your ADSL plan later on.

    8.6 I am currently subscribed to the Eighty Eight Bundle. Can I revert back to just ADSL2+ with Home Phone Bundle?
    The Eighty Eight Bundle comes on a 24 month contract with Unlimited ADSL2+ with TPG Home Phone. Downgrading your ADSL2+ with TPG Home Phone while still in contract or moving to an ADSL2+ or Naked ADSL2+ plan will result in the cancellation of the Eighty Eight Bundle. This will incur an Eighty Eight Bundle Cancellation Fee ($28 x number of months remaining in your contract) in addition to the standard ADSL2+ with TPG Home Phone change of plan fee as outlined above.

  • -8


    • WTH would you neg this deal?? So he forgot to post a couple of details.. Doesnot mean you'd go on negging deals… !!

      • -2

        its no use to current tpg. its neg directed a TPG offers excluding current customers. nothing wrong there buddy

  • looks like the price was targetted directly at Chinese (cantonese) as the number 8 is their lucky number
    $88 is basically double the luck

    this list has all the countries I want to call
    that's excellent.

    howerver, it's a shame about calls to Mobile in Australia - it's only free when calling TPG Mobiles
    that's a deal breaker for me.

    lets see if I can convince their competition to beat that.

    • +1

      i think you might be mistaken there its unlimited calls to any mobile carrier in australia i believe.
      Went to upgrade plan im currently on $79 plan just signed up a month ago now told cant change to this $88 because only for new customers, y to these companies reward new customers and not give current customers the same deals ????

      • Not according to OP; to wit, "UNLIMITED Calls to TPG Mobile".

        Pretty sure it would have just said "unlimited calls to mobiles" if it were otherwise.

      • +1

        Read FAQ. It clearly stated calls to AU mobile are excluded.

    • Yeah cause they are rich, especially FOBs. They will pay this for unlimited calls back to mainland China and HK.

      Its the same deal with Real Estate Agents putting houses on Auction at targeted Chinese interested suburbs jacking up property price.

  • +1

    IMO a VOIP plan in addition to Naked ADLS/Next G would work out much better and with less lock in commitments.

  • -3

    No Pakistan
    No Afghanistan
    No Saudi Arabia
    No Yemen

    Western plot against terrorist supporting countries ?

    Ps. I thought it was a western plot against MUSLIM countries, but dang , they included Iran, Kuwait.

    • +3

      I don't think they are terrorist 'supporting' countries. Although I'm not from any of those countries, found the comments a bit offensive.

      • I don't think they are terrorist 'supporting' countries

        Lol, you can think what you want baby, the facts don't change. We are so lucky that Aus hasn't had a terrorist attack on our land, but look at any of the past attacks and they will have a connection somewhere to pakistan, afhanistan , saudi or yemen.

        The people have been there, were from there , financed from these countries or had some form of support or direction.

        If facts are offensive, you can put your head in the sand, sadly facts don't change.

        Ps: I did originally intend the comment as a tongue in cheek joke, hey but i love the negs anyway so keep em coming.

        • I'm not saying that facts are offensive. But being discriminatory against races/religion (even if it was a tongue in cheek joke), isn't the way to go.

        • +2

          I'm not saying that facts are offensive

          yes you did, read your comment above.

          . But being discriminatory against races/religion >

          I was not being discriminatory against a religion, just pointing out the obvious fact about terrorism in recent history.

          If most terrorism comes from the countries I listed that's not being racist, or partial against the countries, its just a fact, you can look at the facts and state them as they are or be politically correct.

    • +6

      I know you were being tongue-in-cheek, but let's be frank: a terrorist is a guy who has a bomb but no air force.

      It's like the pirate said to Alexander: I have one ship, and what I do you call piracy… but when you do it with a fleet, it's "empire-building". (Update: the actual quote was more like "Because I do it with a little ship only, I am called a thief; you, doing it with a great navy, are called an emperor").

      The aggrieved brown folks of the planet send their sociopaths one or two (or 19) at a time: we send ours by the battalion, after we destroy their civilian infrastructure.

      Compared to 'us' (the West) the Muslim world are rank amateurs at hatred and death-wreaking.

      In terms of terror wrought on innocent civilians, it's not even remotely close.

      • +1

        Beg to differ..

        the west may have its failings, but they are certainly more responsible in a war zone. Some of the civilian deaths happen because the terrorists use human shields.

        All Terrorists (irrespective of religion) must be condemned for what they do, i.e. kill people by surprise and indiscriminately.

        At the same time, every minority community in any country must assimilate with the majority and try to add value to the country, through the dint of hard work, not through nuisance value or threats of violence. Simply saying that we dont follow the majority's laws is not acceptable.

        edit: by the way, I am from a minority community.

  • Suprised to see Iran in the list while not Pakistan in it. Though calling rate to Iran is a little higher than Pakistan. Good deal btw

  • dam just renewed with telstra for 2 years,
    very good deal from TPG

  • +1

    Downside with this plan is that it DOES NOT offer unlimited calls to Australian Mobile. am I right or have I missed it…

    P.S. Please highlight in description that calls to Australian mobile are not included.

  • Or $108 for unlimited calls to Aus mobiles

  • Keeping in mind that it's $108 unlimited everything apart from calls to overseas mobiles

  • I am not a big fan of TPG anymore (after being a customer for years). They just stopped all their mobile plans … making it impossible for me to upgrade my plan. This might be a good deal … but who tells you that they do not stop this any time. I love Skype for my overseas friends … and I have video too - for free!

  • im currently in baldivis perth wa and i think its telstra that uses the exchange and most of us i think us rims whatever that is,i take this would not work for me then.

    • The best way to check would be to click on the supplied link, then select <Check Availability> and enter your phone number.

      Note: "The above preliminary test result doesn't guarantee service availability. Further line checks will be made once your application is submitted."

  • I don't find these unlimited overseas calls that great value IMO. I use a local unlimited call option ($30 to $40) and then use one of the cheap VOIP providers (example cheapvoip.com). True, the voip provider charges you few cents per minute, but depends on how many hours you're going to call over the month

  • Better sign up TPG unlimited phone/internet bundle $59.99, use Skype/Viber/VoIP calls. Much better than 88 deal.

    You can make a lot of calls using $28 a month

    This plan is good for non tech savy people, but think about how many calls you actually make overseas with Facebook, and all the IM, VoIP, Chat apps.

    10 years ago if this plan exist, it would have been AWESOME, but now tech has improved a lot this is no longer as attractive.

    Lots of people are on naked DSL no real home phone, as mobile is the way to go

    I believe lots of people on TPG are forced to have a phone line rental with them due to wanting unlimited broadband, not making calls. I know I wouldn't pay line rental or even get a home phone if ADSL unlimited does not need to bundle one.

  • but i dont have a phone number to try and new in my rental and so am looking for a good bundle or internet package but i have no idea what its like or who might be best option for my area

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