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FREE Nestle Hot Chocolate Sample - Pinch Me

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Yes I tried myself but already claimed. Oh well.
thanks OP… got my first sample in 6 weeks.
Thanks OP
I've been wanting to try this but reluctant to buy, cheers OP.
Nestle have had hot chocolate in sticks before, it was okay, hoping this is a bit better this time round.
Last time I got a couple I had to use both to get a decent cuppa. Let us know how you go this time.
It was a bit on the weak side yes, made a rather watery tasting hot chocolate. They also had varieties if memory serves, one with mint and there was another one branded temptations or something similar.
These days I tend to get a large bottle of Edyln or Sunshine hot chocolate, spoon out what I think I need (LOTS), add some powdered milk, turn it into a sludge with some water (prevents lumps), dissolve that with 1/2 hot water, top up with milk, stir and microwave. It's a bit of pissing about but the result is great, far better than any premix "stick" I've ever had.
I honestly expect this to just be the previous product rebranded and relaunched.
Im just wondering, do you get a small pack or just two sachets as shown in the picture?
U get exactly the one in the picture
Ugh, mobile phone verification.
They're not going to bombard us with spam and telemarketing calls are they?
I've been on there a month or so and haven't had any yet.
It says "Empty the contents of your sample sachet into a mug and just add water to indulge this winter!"
Guess it's just a sachet.
Got it!
thanks OPMeh screw doing this. You need to give your name/DOB/gender/mobile/email/address, it's not worth getting all that spam for a freebie. They also send your full password to your email address unencrypted so I doubt their security would be very good.
They don't spam you. I've been on their list for over 2 months and nothing.
EDIT: Well not nothing. Occasionally they ask for feedback on whether you purchased following the sample. That's all though.
That's spam :P
Grabbed one, thanks OP :)
Expired :(
Seriously these Pinch Me samples are ridiculously hard to get a hold of
Challenge accepted!
Thanks, got one this time.
what was the PREVIOUS pinch me deal? was it that car-fragrance thingy?
These deals run out of stock in like a blink of an eye…..
I never received the car fragrance.
I did. The missus and I both got one each. My car still smells nice.
Received mine!
If you claimed it last time, don't go rushing in for it…it won't let you grab it again!