THE cheapest EVGA 2GB GTX 680 on Staticice
They also have a EVGA 2GB GTX 680 Superclocked for $399
Both cards on their price list
THE cheapest EVGA 2GB GTX 680 on Staticice
They also have a EVGA 2GB GTX 680 Superclocked for $399
Both cards on their price list
It'll still handle anything you want @ 1920x1080 with an avg. 40-60FPS for the next 2 years or so.
Inc delivery?
No, probably not
If you're a store rep, shouldn't you know ?
Are you probably a rep or not?
Edit: friend of OP is a rep.
OK cool. OP, please ask your friend to update the website banner logo to a higher resolution. The current one hurts my web browsing karma.
Haha will do
Also, it said to tick rep if you are 'affiliated'
EVGA… I know that's better than VGA. But is it better than XGA? My 486x needs an upgrade.
SX or DX? If you have the maths coprocessor you can probably hold off for a while longer.
DX I think. And the floppy drive holds floppy disks. Literally very floppy ones.
EVGA is the one between 16-colour EGA and 256-colour VGA.
EVGA? i think my S3 ViRGE@66mhz with 4mb/64bit buffer has that covered :{
damnit no 4GB version in sight.
It's the cheapest on staticice though only by $20.
Tom's GPU hierarchy puts it on par with GTX 770 and HD 7970:…