Smart Pet Tags
* Keep your pet’s critical information up-to-date.
* 24/7 profile access, you control the information.
* Contact, vet, dietary, medical, registration, vaccinations & more.
* Works worldwide
25% off Smart Pet ID Tags - $8.99 + $3.00 Postage - 50 Only at This Price

AssociatedAngielo on 04/08/2013 - 07:38 (326 clicks)
Last edited 04/08/2013 - 18:45
Last edited 04/08/2013 - 18:45
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Is that you Dr Harry?
I mean the only thing better would be
I reckon a GPS transmitter would be the best…
- Works worldwide
This might be useful for jet-setting dogs…
Great idea, I mean the only thing better would be if there was some kind of implantable version of this, so the animals couldn't lose their collar and get lost.
And if only that implantable version was mandatory in most states for animal registration…
Come on people, don't be cheap, get your pets chipped and registered, and while you're at it, get them desexed too.