Tax return

Does anyone know how much can be claimed back for tax, i earned 22k and tax withheld was 2.2k? Thats what it says on my group certificate, i normally get my etax done by someone, this one is about 5years ago,Just trying to get a rough idea, cheers.


  • You can see the tax brackets here.

    And there is even a web calculator.…

    Is that $22k gross or net though? Those tax calculations are based on gross minus deductions. Then you have to add the Medicare levy and other stuff.

  • I guess you're up for about 1k in tax. So enjoy your return :)

  • When you say "this one is about 5 years ago" do you mean you're doing a tax return for income earned five years ago? Lots of things -including the tax brackets- were different then. You'll almost certainly have to get it done through a tax agent, and you'll probably have to pay a fine for it being so late. If you owe money then you'll have to pay interest on it as well.

  • You can get between $1000 and $1200 in tax return..

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