KFC Privilege (VIP) Card (Free Upsize) - Where to Get One?

Does anyone know where I can get a new KFC Privilege Card? My one has run out and I can't find a new one anywhere.

I used to use it to get a free upsize with every meal when I was alone and get 10% off when with friends/family (easy $2 saved every time).

I have scanned my old one (it's looking a bit battered now) so you can see exactly what I mean.

I must have used it atleast 100 times over the last 2 years and it was great.



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KFC Australia
KFC Australia


  • +1

    I know what you mean, I've used mine in the last few years sooo many times it's not funny, always dreading that deadline.

    This isn't a solution mate, but i still use mine even though it's expired and haven't once been pulled up on it.

    Even if you are, well bad luck, just make sure they don't take it (highly unlikely). So i suggest just to keep using, i swear it still works.

  • +1

    Damn I need to get me one of these. Anyone?

    I know it will cost me more in a new wardrobe in a couple months time but so what, right?

  • What a shame, looks like noone knows anything about these cards.

    Does anyone here work at KFC and know if they still make them? Cheers

  • The word on the street is x amount get made each year and the staff get given them to give out to random customers. If it works like McDonald's then the "random" customers are whoever the manager wants to give them to. Nothing loyal about it, but definitely VIP. Also, staff members (I guess this is a per-franchise thing?) get given some to give to friends and family. I know a guy who works there and always gets me one.

  • God, KFC isnt good for you lol. Maybe this is a good tihng?

  • I heard that you might be able to get them at University orientation weeks where various companies have a display and hand out freebies and so forth?

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