I'm pretty confused with Watch Dogs particularly after seeing the awful new trailer. Since they build Watch Dogs specifically on next gen, will it be better to cancel my watch dogs ps3 preorder and maybe get gta v instead? I'm not sure with AC IV either.
AC IV and Watch Dogs - PS3 or PS4?

yeah I will get PS4 but not launch date. I love collector's stuffs, usually the price will be high after the launch date of the game. well watch dogs is a gamble for PS3…
You could always just buy AC4 and Watch Dogs on PS3 if you really want to play it now.
http://us.playstation.com/digitalupgrade/ - AC4 and Watch Dogs are both applicable to the $10 upgrade to PS4, which you do via a code they give you with the game. This means you can buy the PS3 version then only play $10 to get the PS4 version when you please! (expires January I think)
I don't think there will really be that much of a difference initially between the games on both systems. For example the early PS3 games (like Resistance 1) look pretty dated considering it's the same piece of hardware. I'm sure that the games will look better on the PS4, but I don't think at this point it is worth $550 (console) and $20 game price difference.
I'll wait until the obligatory PS4 exclusive comes along.
Despite my dislike on uplay(despite having three games on it) I'll have these two on PC i think.
I highly doubt that I'll buy either. Still have Ass Creed Revelations, III and liberation here unplayed. I dunno what it is about Ubisoft games, I just seem to grow bored of them quickly. The only one that I have enjoyed for a long time was Far Cry 3.
Assassins creed still feels the same despite the locale changes so I can understand your opinion, I liked Far Cry 3 aswell, I'll just keep my eye on how watch dogs turns out. Besides GTA V coming so i'll be busy for awhile me thinks. :P
Probably because the 5 AC games have all been very similar whereas Far Cry 3 was a complete overhaul and added an awesome 4 player coop mode.
I'd be waiting for the PC release too, purely because I'd be able to run it better.
….damn you have reminded me ive made no progress in building a new pc….oh well tax money will be handy :)
personally I enjoy all AC games except the handheld version…it seems AC IV isn't prioritized for next-gen consoles, I'll buy it on PS3 (I'm not a PC person).
as for Watch Dogs, cancelled my preorder and get GTA V instead. Might as well wait for PS4 and the review for Watch Dogs since it is a new IP.
You know what? I was cooling on the PS4 but after seeing a video for the new Infamous Second Son I want it badly. Check it out
oh my, it looks really good. Sony should give us a release date for PS4 right now.
Late November isn't it?
no official date from Sony yet, only Holiday 2013 but should be around that timeframe. late Nov or early Dec. Infamous Second Son and Watch Dogs would be great launch games.
There's a chance they'll be released on Steam though, right? If not, I'll be quite disappointed - Watch Dogs looks interesting.
I though AC before is Final Fantasy Advent Children…
Did I miss something? What was awful about the trailer?
Not awful but not enticing to me.
It wasn't terrible, but there was little to no substance and they were more intent on bragging about all the E3 awards it received.
I'd get GTA V on PS3 and WatchDogs on PS4. Have you seen this trailer. It's Watchdog's PS4 gameplay (apparently). Looks incredible.
Are you planning to get a PS4? If so why not get everything on that? If you aren't planning on getting a PS4, how much is a little shinnier image worth to you?
Also, just one more reason why preordering is rarely a good idea.