Any way to import contacts from Facebook to my Android phone?

I have a Samsung Galaxy Nexus and was wondering if it is possible to import the phone numbers of my facebook friends.


  • You need to select syncing of contacts under your facebook account in accounts and sync settings in your phone.


  • +2

    I think Facebook contact sync is basically broken since ICS. It says sync'ed but you won't find any of your Facebook contact in your People app. Might need a 3rd party app to do the syncing.

    • As far as I'm aware, Facebook changed (and kept secret) their API so even the Third Party Apps no longer work.
      But as Scotty pointed out, despite asking the App to stay Synced, it does nothing.
      Maybe Facebook Home has the capability (I've never tried it)? You should be able to try it using an apk from xda forums (I don't think The Galaxy Nexus is on the list of supported devices)

  • You can try Haxsync or Sync.Me or Ubersync from playstore

    I use Haxsync and its works just fine.

    • Tried a couple of those but it doesn't work. They only seem to update contacts you already have on the phone rather than importing new contacts. Found this on website though:

      Sync.ME uses Facebook's official iOS SDK to connect with Facebook and must comply with Facebook's Terms Of Use. Facebook decided to block access for 3rd party applications to friends’ email addresses & phone numbers.

      So I guess I'll give up trying. :(

  • If you have facebook installed which I assume you have it installed, you can go under settings > accounts > facebook and ensure you have contact sync enabled.

    It should look something like this If you have this option enabled you should see your facebook contacts.

    • Tried that too but it doesn't seem to do anything. :(

      • Are you using a custom rom or the stock rom? And which version of Android are you running, 4.1 has issues but if you have 4.2 then it should just work fine.

        Another thing to check is under contacts, hit settings > accounts do you see facebook listed there? If not then remove facebook from your device and install it back again, or at times under application settings you can try hitting the clear data button. After that it will ask you to log back into facebook may be that will fix it.

        • Galaxy Nexus should be on 4.3. However from my experience (also a Galaxy Nexus owner), Facebook contact sync has never worked on this phone.

          I have another device on CM10.1 (Android 4.2.2) and Facebook sync doesn't work either.

        • There are a few more apps suggested here you can give these a try…

          I am running CM 10.1 on my Nexus 4 and I do not have any problems syncing FB contacts, may be because I am using haxsync.

        • You might be on to something. I am using the stock rom and running 4.1. I can't seem to get the phone to update it either. Have tried clearing the data in google services framework too as suggested somewhere else. Should I just wait until Google is ready to update me?

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