A cure for jetlag?

Hey all! Recently got back from holidays, and after a red-eye flight from LA, it took me well over 3 days to readjust to normal life again…

Looking into resources out there to help cure or ease the onset of jetlag but wondering if anyone has tried something that actually works?

Found these:


  • +1

    Melatonin tablets?

  • can you get them in Aus?

    • Only as a prescription drug. You need to see a doc and get a script, that is the only way you can get them from the pharma.

      There are over-the-counter melatonin tablets which only contain a trace amount (sold as a quack homeopathy drug) — waste of money.

      The other option is to import from eBay, but I'm not sure if customs will confiscate the product.

      • +1

        Shoulda bought them in LA!

  • +8

    no need for drugs. i find you just need to resist the urge to sleep before your normal bed time and always get out of bed at your normal time no matter how tired you are.

    • That's what I do. It works better than medicine.

    • +4

      And get lots of sunshine when awake, it helps reset the body clock.

  • thanks.

  • Xanax!

  • +1

    (or other online jetlag calculators)

  • Your first meal of the day will rest your body clock. You may need to fast.

  • +1

    Those links don't provide much in the way of effective or practical solutions, appart from light therapy (blue light) early in the morning (5am in your new destination) and avoidance of blue light in the evening. This means no LCD screens/laptop/iPad in the evening as these usually emit enough blue light to be disruptive to the secretion of melatonin by the pineal gland in the brain, thereby delaying body clock synchronisation with local time.
    The most effective pharmaceutical solution which requires a prescription is Modavigil. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modafinil
    It also has application in shift work and narcolepsy.

  • +1

    Best tips I have are to follow the schedule of wherever you have arrived. Eat at proper meal times, go to sleep at a reasonable time too. Often hard with the flights from LA given they all arrive at like 6am, but when possible try to schedule afternoon or evening arrivals so you don't have to stay up too long before going to sleep :)

  • a shot of liquid plutonium at night.

  • +2

    I travel overseas (europe/asia) every year and I think the easiest way to cure jetlag is

    As soon as you step on to the plane, reset your watch to your destination time, think with your destination time. Sleep as much as you can on the plane.
    You may struggle a bit during the first day if you couldnt get enough sleep
    that's fine. Just eat/sleep with the same time setting locally, can also have a nap in the afternoon if required, but make sure its a nap and not a full on sleep in the afternoon. Set alarms etc.

    • +1

      This is the best bet. It's easier said than done but just stay up when you get to your destination, until normal bedtime. I had a horror flight Syd to Vancouver and got in at 6am, they let me check in early and i absolutely crashed. For a week I was falling asleep at 6pm and wide awake at 2am. So the next time I went over I stayed up and didn't have any jetlag issues.

      • +1

        lol! I had the same experience when I went to Vancouver as well. first week sleep at 5pm, then awake by 2am as well :) a 2 week stop over in Hong Kong previously didn't help much.. >_<

      • This was something I did try, but the flight is just so inducive to sleep, there's not much else that'll pass the time as effectively! Need more willpower…

  • I think it's odd you had jet lag flying from LA to Au as I've never had jet lag flying west . I only get it the other direction flying east. I think this is also what they say is the case generally.

    • Yep… proud of my weirdness. Not the only thing I do different!

  • Thai Red Bull!

  • Thanks everyone. More keen on non-chem solutions myself!

  • +1

    Make fists with your toes.

  • +1

    Stay up all day go out side after your flight sleep only in night time fit it keep sun on your body next day you feel fine i do LA to aus a few time now and i go eup 1 time a year so that how i fight it.

  • +1

    The obvious advice above by a number of people about adjusting to the time zone ahead is a key, plus for me I always found that avoiding Coffee or anything with Caffeine reduced the Jetlag both ways. And like others I have always found returning was easier.

    That said having done the trip more than 40 times and dropping the caffeine after the first few flights I might just be used to the flight.

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