This was posted 11 years 7 months 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Manhunt PC $3.39USD (Activates on Steam)


Ahh a rockstar forgotten classic that was or is still banned here.. Activates on steam..

Edit: Use the coupon GFDJUL20 and get an extra 20% off, which brings the total down to $2.71 USD. :) Thanks to mashimus

Manhunt is a stealth-based psychological horror video game developed by Rockstar North and published by Rockstar Games. It was released in North America on November 18, 2003, for the PlayStation 2 and on April 20, 2004, for Xbox and PC, and in Europe on November 21 for the PS2 and on April 23 for the Xbox and PC. The game was released for PlayStation 3 on May 14, 2013 via the PlayStation Network.[1] Although it received positive reviews by critics, Manhunt is well known for controversy, due to the level of graphic violence in the game. It was banned in several countries, and implicated in a murder by the UK media, although this implication was later rejected by the police and courts.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Ohhh i loved this game back in the day.

    • +1

      Same… Some of the kills still stick in my head. Like the plastic bag or the bottle….. Or was that Manhunt 2???

      • I think it was the plastic bag in Manhunt 1.

  • +3

    While they can't sell it here without applying for an r18+, I believe the fine print in the law would allow you to purchase it from overseas as it is reasonable to believe it would fall into the R18+. Unless your in WA, where possession of RC material is illegal.

    • Why did that comment get a neg? Lol.. what you said is correct isn't it?

      • Technically no, It would have to be resubmitted for review before it can receive an R18+ rating (as was done with the recent Mortal Kombat) without resubmitting the game keeps its original rating of RC and cannot be legally sold here

        edit: i didnt neg anybody just letting you know

        • Oh my bad I didn't read Mik's comment properly, yeah it wouldn't fall into R18+ until it's resubmitted. There's some wacky law I believe about it being ok to own RC material (except in WA) but it's not ok to actually import it… is buying a digital download considered importing I wonder…

        • The real situation with importing is that to be caught/fined you need to be caught by a customs officer whom:

          (a) opens your package despite it looking like all the rest of the DVD/game packages that come through

          (b) knows that the game is banned from release within Australia, which would probably involve checking with some type of database

          Customs guys have bigger fish to fry. Stuff like illegal drugs, untreated wood etc - things that can cause actual damage to Australian society if released.

          BTW I think the whole classification system is a joke, and that our new R18+ classification for games is being abused.

        • Yeah, I read a bunch of people got their Mortal Kombat's seized back before R18+, they probably just have a blitz now and then to show that they do check.

          I've had a few of my overseas games and DVDs opened before. Usually if they are crappily packed lol.

        • My Mortal Kombat came through fine. Was able to download the Walking Dead last year too, when it was banned. I really wouldn't worry.

    • +3

      Manhunt was originally given an MA15+ here in Australia; I bought it at retail at EB's, as did several of my friends. It was only when the Howard government got their delicate, lace-fringed knickers in a twist and demanded that it be reassessed by a new, hand-picked, pre-outraged team that it was judged too violent to be MA15+ and pulled from sale. The game didn't change; the assessors changed, and only as the result of political interference.

      It is not unreasonable to assume, given that Australia's censorship board have already judged the uncut game MA15+, that it should now fit easily under the new (for games) R18+ standard.

  • So can I buy this and activate it on Steam without Steam taking it off my account?

    • I've got games not available on AUS store on my account.. I don't see why not. (I haven't tried though FYI). People activate the overseas version of L4D2 all the time in the Aus store

      • -1

        Yeah I also have heaps of games as well, the AUS version of L4D2 isnt censored anymore FYI
        However I had it when it was, and many other games as well

        • For real? I re-installed it a few days ago but haven't played it yet, had no idea they had lifted the censorship.

        • Yeah apparently there was an update for it a while back, I had the American un-censored version anyway so i can't tell you first hand

        • +2

          L4D2 is still censored, they can't just uncensor it anyway. It needs to be resubmitted to the OFLC to then get an R rating, which costs money to resubmit so I don't think they're going to bother from what I hear which is a shame.

        • I've asked people and they all say it's still censored.

  • Just completed the purchase.

    Activated on Steam no problems.

    Thanks, awesome deal!

  • Purchased and activated fine. Thanks.

  • +1

    Aww man, I have such a backlog of games to play, and you show me this…

    • That's why sales are good. You're paying an amazing price for a game which was full price.

      Idea is, if you have many games, spending $2.95 or something around that mark is okay.

      If you don't have many games and seek out after you complete each one, then spending $60 for a game is justified.

      If you have a huge backlog, like all gamers do, you probably wouldn't spend full price unless it's an AAA title release and can't wait to play.

      This way you always have options for which game to play next while spending very little for a quality title.

  • Just activated it and downloading now. Seems all good!

  • +1

    Use the coupon GFDJUL20 and get an extra 20% off, which brings the total down to $2.71 USD. :)

    • Nice one.. thanks.. I found a UK coupon but not a US one… i'll update the post..

  • +1

    It's only a couple bucks, but exercise due diligence. Valve states on the Manhunt page (which you can see only via proxy) it does not support Vista/Windows 7.

    There's a known unpatched bug when running under Win7 that makes the game unplayable from a certain point on, unless you go and download a cracked .exe and swap it in.

  • Did anyone else get a email saying they (Gamefly) wanted you to call a US phone number?

    • Yes, but I used a fake US address so they probably got a bit snotty about that.. so I made a 2nd account and paid with paypal.. no probs..

  • +3

    For people who want Manhunt on Android -… :)

    • +1

      …these are not the men you were hunting for! (Jedi mind trickz u all)

  • I tried playing but the first gate doesnt even open. Tried downloading patch, and even replacing files, doesnt even work for my Windows 8…..

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