Send an email with your first name and birthday to the email address below and you will be sent back a complimentary three card (Past, Present and Future) Tarot Card reading. This one doesn't have a website but I can confirm it is a legit offer. The readers are all studying the tarot and offer the free readings to gain experience and feedback from those they read for. The email address to contact is [email protected] and you must include Free Tarot Card Reading in the subject line. I had mine done and it was really good. A bit of fun, and maybe even enlightenment, for a great price.
Free Tarot Card Reading

Last edited 24/03/2009 - 17:46 by 1 other user
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I've often wondered why tarot cards and fortune tellers etc… are allowed to operate without warning signs up saying "Any predictions given are purely performance art and resemblence to reality is coincidental."
What is the difference between tarot card readings and Nigerian scammers? Both promise something they can not deliver, and charge you for it.
Even for free, it is not value for money. Well, I guess that is a bit harsh. Ok, for free it is some creative writing perhaps.
EDIT: I've re-considered. Even for free, considering where you email address may end up, this has negative value.
Hmm… First name only? I see an issue with people having common names such as Tom, John, Mary, etc… Same birthday and same first name gets you same past, present and future? Doesn't look too accurate and professional to me.
"Doesn't look too accurate" - what, as compared to actual tarot card readers? ;)
I've never actually used them before, but my comment was in relation to the fact that there could be many people with the same first name and birthday which would mean they have the same readings, and imho that is highly unlikely.
My daughter turns 1 next week - wonder what her tarot would read? "I see - pooping, eating and sleeping in your future" - 100% acurate my friend!
That's what a real bargain means to be! (-:
I think we should look for a new name for ozbargain cause it seems to be more and more bargain for sellers and not buyers.fraud.
what a load of baloney. This deal has no value.
STOP making judgements about the value of a Tarot card reading - Its free
Davo and kadude How do you know its fraud??? Its fun - how can it be fraud if there is no money changing hands!!!
No wonder people are getting uptight about censorship of the 18 plus material - which personally I dont care for - when all those voting negative on this are making judgements on the value of the reading rather than the deal itself.
Then there is the stupid "bargain for sellers" comment - think about it. The only bargain that could be based on criteria that is when the seller sells below cost. Like the Dick Smith iWork pricing error and not many - if any got that bargain
Has anyone seen the TV show "Penn & Teller's Bullsh!t"? I quote from the first episode, editted to remove swearing…
"If one calls people liars and quacks, one can be sued and lose a lot of one's money. But "m____f___ers" and "a__holes" is pretty safe. If we said it was all scams, we could also be in trouble. But BULLSH!T, oddly, is safe. So forgive all the bullsh!t language. We're trying to talk about the truth without spending the rest of our lives in court because of litigious m____f__ers!"!
So please everyone, stop refering to these tarot readers as scams. Please use more appropriate terms.
And in response to ozpete - when something has $0 in value, and is sold for that exact amount, how is that a bargain?
I agree with the above.
I'm offering a free kick in the testicles for anyone who wants it. This is therefore a bargain. Can i get a post on the homepage please?
I am hoping this includes postage and lots of handling?
I disagree with ozpete.
Being free doesn't mean that it's always good value, or of any value. I can sell a pile of turd for $0, is it of good value?
The accuracy of this so called Tarot card reading is obviously very doubtful, just on the basis that it only requires your first name and email. I'm a non-believer of this kind of stuff, but nonetheless I wouldn't recommend anyone sending an email to a random person who might spam you. They don't even have a website.
Nothing against luluk but I don't see any value in this "deal".
I joined up to downvote this =) but then I discovered I can't =(
Agreed. Getting something worthless for free is not a bargain. If it was worth something and was free then maybe you could consider it a bargain. Anyway it is my opinion on it and i dont ask anyone else to agree with me. Thats why we have the freedom to vote negative or positive as we see fit.
lol everyone relax, i tried it out, and will let you all know how it goes when they tell me my reading :P
if people chose to do this that's their decision. Stating that, if you are concerned about where your email address is going to end up - go to and make up a temporary email addy that is not used for anything else. its basically an account that keeps the crap like this from filling up your real email addy with spam.
personally, i've got better things to do with my time.Ok so to take this further
Lolly water rots teeth, so lets all make negative votes on any "bargain' that costs families dental bills
This is absolute crazyness - if you dont like the offering leave it alone - unless its fundamentally flawed.
Free Bibles - are they value????? The Truth in them has been doctored for years and away go the stupid arguments.
Then we have idiots joining up to vote down a freebie. Thank god we had enough sense to make sure people were regulars to this site before giving them a vote otherwise we'd have all loonies like this coming in and voting on moral issues rather than bargains.
Thread locked before we attract anymore stupid comments.
Why are over-18 items barred from this site, but fraud like this appears to be allowed?