What should I use, Paypal or Debit card?

Could anyone give me advice on what is cheaper to use when buying online, paypal or debit card? I think my bank has a conversion rate charge and what i can gather paypal has lousy conversion rate on the AU dollar. I think every cent counts, especially when paying a few hundred dollars on an item. Thanks.


  • What is your bank's conversion charge?

  • 28 degree MasterCard

    • that's a credit card :)

      for debit, use citibank plus visa debit with zero fees including zero forex fee - better rates than paypal forex

  • Thanks for the info. I use a Visa direct debit card and my bank charges 3% of the converted Australian Dollar transaction amount.

    • check if it's an international transaction fee (so applicable to overseas aud transactions) or actual forex fee - paypal forex is ~2.5%

      in any case, sign up for http://www.citibank.com.au/plus3 :)

    • -2

      If using PayPal credit card transactions, banks will always take a cut:
      AUD transaction to overseas merchant attracts a bank fee (usually about 1%)
      Foreign currency converted to AUD (via PP) attracts the same fee + PP currency conversion margin

      Paying directly with your credit card will attract whatever the banks fees are plus the Visa/MC conversion margin.
      This method gives you direct protection for fraudulent activity and non-supply, plus whatever add-on features your particular card gives.

      PayPal adds product protection for 6 months - if the goods don't live up to claims they will reimburse postage to send the goods back to the merchant and get/give you a refund if the merchant isn't playing ball.

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