This was posted 11 years 7 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Civilization V: Gold Edition UPDATE NOW $8.70 AUD!


Hey guys was going to grab gold edition for Steam sales last day but got creative and got it for only 10 bucks :)
You have to buy civ 5 from nuuvem (a very reputable seller) for 5 bucks then simply buy the gold edition upgrade via steam.

1. Buy Civ 5 here:…
(use google translate, easy if you have chrome)

  1. Redeem Civ 5 key on steam. (I received mine instantly on nuuvem)

  2. Buy civ 5 gold edition upgrade here
    Scroll down to the $5 upgrade. It will ad 13 DLCs

Enjoy guys :) Game is amazing!

Now you can buy gold edition key from nuuvem for $8.70 aud!…

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closed Comments

  • +3…

    Put in Real name, real CC details, US billing address(put an address in Oregon to avoid sales tax) and get it from Amazon for US$10.62 with the voucher code gooncave

    • Nice one for people with CCs!

    • I did this, though I just used my Ohio address from my account

      Didnt realise that this downloaded direct from Amazon though, would prefer a Steam key :/

      • +3

        Its a direct download of an Amazon program that shows you a steam key. Clicking the Install button on this Amazon program actually just launches a local html webpage with instructions on how to redeem on Steam

        Strange and backwards I know, but I just bought it yesterday, 900kb download to launch an Amazon program to give me a steam key, when I could have just checked my email to see that they sent the steam key in there anyway.

        • Doesn't the key show up in the "Your Games and Software Library" section under "My Account"? That's where all my Amazon Steam keys are, no need to download anything.

          EDIT: In fact, just received an email after purchasing a blands2 code… code was in the email. :X

      • +4

        FYI .. remove the address from your account afterwards .. I once sent $200 of Blu Rays to some place in Minnesota.

  • -1

    HOLY frak, 13 DLCs .. not sure if publisher is greedy, or is the game really that expandable.
    DLC list can be found below

    • +1

      It also doesn't include the latest 'DLC', Brave New World.

      • +2

        not touching that til its heavily discounted lol $50 usd atm

        • +1

          It's $20 from the same site:

          Got my key from them during preorder for $17, so I can vouch it works.

        • +4

          I'm still not buying it until it's <$5… purely because I still have so many other games to play! :|
          By the time I'm done with those, BNW will be discounted to a pittance.

        • I love CIV, but all the cool new gameplay rules in BNW should have come standard, not as a DLC well after release!
          Also, BNW will include previous content of gods and kings, so please keep that in mind when ordering.

    • How does more DLC make the publisher greedy? As long as it's good DLC who cares how many there are.

  • stupid question, but the game is going to be in English or Portuguese by default? I am assuming there will be ways to change the language.

    Thanks for the post OP

    • It's coming from Steam so you definitely can switch language to Portuguese (default is English)


    Thanks so much OP. Got Brave New World for less than half price!

    To help other OZBs, this nuuvem site appears to be a Brazilian type of Steam site.

    The difference is, you pay Brazilian prices not our inflated ripoff Aussie prices. Seems USA game companies have acknowledged that Brazilians don't have as much money to spend on games as Americans, yet seem to think Australians do and will in fact even pay more for the privilege of playing their games.

    So, just use Chrome and use the translate it does for you, make sure you have Java installed, and when it asks you to pay with Paypal and it doesn't look like the Paypal box is working ensure you allow the pop up (from the top bar in Chrome). Once purchased simply click on the game title in your library and it reveals the code which can be entered into Steam.

    I wouldn't advise entering credit card details directly given its a foreign site, but Paypal is safe as your Credit Card details are not disclosed.

  • The gold edition upgrade seems to be $20 now

  • Hey guys, 8.70 aud now!…
    Just posting for others, i missed out on this price lol

    • Damn! I just bought Civ5 for $5, and Steam has the upgrade at $20.

      • I have a friend who has an extra copy of the G&K upgrade for $10 if you are looking for one! He bought it by mistake, thought it was Brave New World.

        • Does he still have it?

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