~17" laptop for non-gamer

My dad is looking for a laptop around the same size as his current one (17"). He's had his for like 7 years so he's ready for a decent upgrade. He doesn't play any games or anything but I'm still looking to get something that has a beautiful screen and will stand the test of time.


  • +1

    Tell us more about the requirements, is he after a specific processor, e.g. a Core i5 or i7, quad-core, dual-core…etc. What does he intend to use the laptop for? Does he have specific requirements such as a specific size HDD or SSD, optical drive, a certain number of USB ports…etc.

    Unlike desktops, which can be changed around and upgraded easily, once you get a laptop, apart from RAM and storage, you're stuck for life, so some use case scenarios and a budget would help me look out for one for you.

    • He's going to use it for emails and web browsing - that's pretty much it. So a decent hard drive to last the years and…that's really the only requirement! I want it to have a good screen because I don't want it to be ugly.

  • Maybe consider an 'ultrabook' rather than a laptop? If he's not using it for games, he probably doesn't need all the grunt that a 17" would have.

    • Ultrabooks are known for their portability. He doesn't need it to be portable, in fact it'll be on a counter the whole time, almost. Yet he doesn't want an AIO. He does want a laptop/notebook similar to his old one, which is 17".

  • I've got a HP Pavilion G7-1261NR I used for 3 weeks during a work trip and haven't touched again since. It looks like new and I still have the box and everything. It's nothing fancy but it is neat and runs smoothly. Nice HD+ screen with a blu-ray drive. I was worried that the processor wouldn't be fast enough but i was pleasantly surprised at how smoothly it ran. It's also got office 2010 installed.

    Specs and info from another site: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834158…

    If you're interested let me know and I'll give you some more info.

  • I personally recommend the ASUS N76V, it's around $1000 if you shop around, but is a great computer, it's most definitely overkill but I'd imagine it would last a very long time, a good investment

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