This was posted 11 years 7 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Daily Deal - The Last of Us PS3 ($55 + $4.90 Shipping) @ MightyApe


One of today's Daily Deals at Mighty Ape. Lasts until 10:00am tomorrow or when stock runs out.

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Solid deal, brilliant game.

    • -5

      Is this game worth getting?.. is it better then GW2?

      • I reckon its pretty good. Very uncharted like with a good story.

      • +8

        GW2? Do you mean Guild Wars 2? If so that would be a pretty weird comparison.

        The Last of Us is basically the best you've seen a story told in a game. So the script and acting is great, it's well directed, you care about the characters. My girlfriend became attached to the game, and she was just watching me. My sister watched the game on youtube, and absolutely loved it. So basically the story is top notch.

        In terms of gameplay, it's probably not as varied as some of the other games out there, but it doesn't really matter, because it's just a great experience, a must play game.

        • Gotta say, my gf watched every cut scene while I played as well.

          Brilliant game!

        • Guild wars 2 is the only game i play these days so its a comparison to me
          loved the Rez Evil games on PS1 from back in the day!

        • +1

          It's a little hard to compare - GW2 is a MMORPG, so it's defined by having a lot of freedom and not much of a story, it doesn't have a proper ending and it's gameplay is based on tactical turn based choices, rarely requiring a quick reaction.

          On the other hand a single player survival horror game has relatively low freedom (ie you go where the game wants you to go), a highly developed story, an ending and gameplay based on real-time movements. Arguably in this game there's less of a twitch factor than say Call of Duty, but it's still faster than lining up a set of actions at the bottom of the screen.

          So yeah, very different games, both good, hard to compare.

      • -1

        From what I've played so far its very linear. Kinda like playing a movie. It has massive rating although at this stage through my gameplay, I'm not sure why.

        Visuals are stunning.

        • +4

          Whats with the negs? Not allowed to have an opinion?

        • i got neged for asking a question lol

        • -3


        • I wouldn't care about the negs mate. You can get negs for stating a quantifiable fact.

          Anyways I'm going to neg the "unbelievable" comment because it is in fact, "believable". :D

        • hahaha thanks a lot..

  • +1
  • Amazing, amazing game. I just had a 3 week delivery on a Halo 4 bargain that was posted here. It sat at their Brisbane warehouse for 2.5 weeks. Not too happy on my first experience. But for that price, it's worth the wait.

    • sigh * wonder how long we have to wait for this game to drop below $30…
    • +1


      i am waiting for the price drop too.

      • UC3 and Ascension dropped within 2 months or so…

    • Early September, should be below $35. & if you want cheaper than that then you will probably get it for $16-$20 at Hardly Normal in Oct.

      • Thank. I'll wait til Oct. Still got So many other games to play like Hitman, Tombraider, farcry, ascension, judgement, etc…

    • Sounds like you need a Crafter loadout…

  • +1

    Price up to $65 now ?

    • Daily deal stock is sold out. That didn't last long! I've expired the deal.

  • will the last of us be the last ps3 game i will buy before i "upgrade" to ps4?

    • -2

      Nah, Watch Dogs will be.

      • -1

        you're crazy to play watch dogs on ps3 if you plan on getting a ps4 too

        edit: go ahead and neg, no reply = im right, so please validate my opinion :)

      • Watch dogs will be on PS4 so may as well buy it on that if you have both systems
        I'm sure it will look better on PS4 for obvious reasons

    • +1

      Beyond: Two Souls
      (ps3 exclusive)

  • +3

    This game is quite long. I'm about 10 hours in and only less than 50% of the way in. Though I do take my time and explore. I'm loving it so far.

    Ellie has got to be one of the best sidekicks ever created in a game. She's so plucky and full of spunk. If you rush through it you will miss many of her interactions with Joel.

    The game also managed some emotional pull early on.

    • naughty dog hyped it up pre launch by saying its the longest campaign they've made yet

      • Maybe because it is?

        I've recently clocked Uncharted 1-3 for a 2nd or 3rd run with playtimes varying between 7-9 hours. I clocked my first Last of Us playthrough at 14 hours so its definitely a lot longer. I finished U3 in about 2.5 days whereas I'm already on day 4 finishing this in hardest difficulty.

      • Yeah I'm just a bit surprised by it. These days campaigns are getting shorter and shorter as game budgets get bigger, so for them to make a longer not shorter game is generous. Especially if it is of the quality and production values as this game.

        I expect 8 hours from a campaign. This game is looking to do at least double that (for me).

        It's definitely a good thing, don't get me wrong. I just wasn't expecting that kind of length from a linear action game. If it was open world or some RPG, that would be a different story.

    • Ellie is the most relatable/realistic sidekick I agree. I dunno maybe because she swears like a real person lol.

    • Loved the game, spent quite a bit of time on it, definitely the longest compaign I've played plus I kept dying at some parts (lol). Took me a week and a half to finish it but wasn't consistent in playing every night. Ellie is awesome.

      Watch out for the clickers, lol.

  • -1

    God Damned flooded lobby in Pittsburg Hotel is making me not want to continue :/

    • Is that the part where you have to pick up a ladder and go up? What's hard about it? There's no enemies around.

      Or did you mean the combat parts in the floors above? You're meant to take them all out one at a time stealthily. But when I got spotted, they all flooded in after me and I just hid in a small room with only one entrance, and took them down one by one as they entered until they were all gone, then I was free to explore every room at my leisure.

    • Finished it on survivor yesterday. Surprisingly not as bad as I thought it would be. Just get the keycard, kill all the runners around, then once you start the motor run straight up the ramp dodge the big boy and go through the door without fighting anyone.

      • -1

        Oh he meant that part.

        It wasn't that hard. They come in one at a time. One shotgun shot kills the stalkers. The big guy can be dazzled with a molotov (makes him unable to do anything for a few seconds), then a few shotgun rounds. If you have bombs, you can lay them in the doorway.

        Best tip I can give you, is stick to a room with only one entrance, and ambush them as they come in one at a time. Hide by the side of the door so you can shoot them in the side before they see you.

        • Spoilers FFS. take it somewhere else!

        • -2

          There are no story spoilers here, only gameplay tips. Get over yourself.

          Is telling people hints on how to kill enemies, or what weapons work well against them considered a spoiler? Don't read comments if you're that allergic to any discussion about the game at all.

        • Not cool at all with no warning, and you know that

        • As far I see there are no specific story spoilers here. Only gameplay tips.

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