Suggestions for my website and sale ideas

Hi Everyone,

I'm building my website at the moment as well as selling some of the products I am currently holding.

web address:

I have try to make the website look good and SSL secured. However, i'm looking for some suggestions on the website. Such as layout, colour, etc.

Also, I'm going to purchase some goods from oversea and going to offer something free to everyone, such as, screen protector, cable, etc. (for the propose of getting people know my website and hopefully some people buy some products from us)

Is there anything that OzBargainers would like to get? I don't have a large budget, but i will try to get something that everyone is look for.

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again. team

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  • sth.

    Hopefully slang like this won't be on the website.

    Screen protectors would be the cheapest option or maybe you could give a $5 voucher with a minimum spend.

    • true. i should have pay attention to it.. thanks.

  • maybe remove the home address from the bottom of the page. don't want crazy ozbargainers knocking on your front door do you?

    • haha.. thanks.. i'll change it to a PO BOX shortly..

  • oops wrong place

  • +1

    It's a beef of mine but I noticed you go with the was/now with your prices. That could lead to problems as you actually have no genuine was to discount .

    Falls under misleading/deceiving…

    Just saying

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