Does anyone know what is the cheapest you would have to pay for someone to do your income tax returns, besides yourself which is free, any companies you would suggest?
Tax returns
We pay under $300 to a tax accountant for my wife and myself. We have no shares but have a little rental income.
if you have hardly anything you should learn to do it yourself in etax, it's not that hard and it'll benefit your awareness of your own finances. anything a reasonable person can't do e.g. you have shares, rental properties, a business etc, you'd be paying alot more for a good accountant to do. those $100-200 accountants who do those could be your local h @ r block or other small time accountants who, you may not know it, may be doing something wrong.
some libraries have volunteers who do simple tax returns for free
When I was a student the Uni had a Tax Accountant during the Tax season, originally it was $5 then went up to $10. So if you're a student look into it.
Completely depends on how much is involved in your return. My wife is a tax accountant and her prices vary dramatically depending on shares, rental properties, small businesses etc.
Lol, you do realise this post is 4 years old?
Couldn't believe I'm still getting email notifications for this!
It will depend on the complexity of your return. Wage earners will be easiest, followed by wage earners with a few shares, followed by wage earners with a few shares and an investment property, etc, etc, etc.