Digital subscriptions for online newspapers inc The Age & SMH - what are the alternatives?

As per title, the Age and SMH are starting to change to digital subscription which has proven to be extremely inconvenient because I don't want to pay the fee!

I am based in melbourne by the way, but the Guardian Aus is really not up to standard (not that the standars are high).

Anyone knows any alternatives (unpaid)?

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The Sydney Morning Herald
The Sydney Morning Herald


  • -1

    SMH/Age/Guardian etc all pretty much regurgitate the same crap as (ie. mouthpiece for) the below website, which is free-

    • +1

      1 post to get political! That's a record.


      Well played, Sir Troll.

  • +3

    If you browse incognito, I don't think the articles count towards your 30 free. I was up to 20 odd early in July and have been doing that since, and have not exceeded the cap. It seems to have reset itself too, which is odd. is more opinion/investigative focussed, and less immediate news, but has interesting articles and is free.

    • incognito works a treat, I believe the sites they rely on cookies to count the articles & these aren't kept when using incognito.

      Of course the most obvious news site is
      TV & Radio stations do news content, as does sky & Telstra.

      There's always Google/yahoo agrigated news.

      If you're just after left leaning, but comprehensive feature articles, is worth a look. It's funded by the bloke who created

  • still seems to be free?

  • free digital editions via public libraries :)…

  • If using chrome use this for the age/smh…

    News/HS - just change the www.heraldsun…… to….. and then the article will load

  • I use, mostly because theage (and others) site design makes me want to poke my eyes out with a fork.

  • The bypass from above didn't work for me, I installed it on Chrome and went back to and I'm still blocked.

    I'm no tech wizard, but I just pasted the news article onto Internet Explorer and it worked so maybe the block is browser specific?

    • I have asked Chrome to block cookies from It is in Settings—>Show Advanced Settings—>Manage Exeptions (under Cookies). Has worked so far for me!

  • +1

    If on Chrome, just open all links as incognito.

  • i find if you hit the stop loading button before it is loaded, then the imposed screen doesnt launch.

    i have a subscription, i recall activating my digital, but i have no idea what i was meant to do after and that dumb screen keeps appearing. am i meant to be logged in to read? i think i logged out ages ago cos i didnt like seeing my username on every page.

  • -2

    So you want some actual journalism but don't want to pay for it?
    I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume you don't work for free.

    You get what you pay for.

    • Advertisers don't pay my wage :(

    • -1

      If the services in question were high quality and not add supported I might buy your argument.

  • Thanks! How do I clear the cookies? I am using internet explorer.

    • It is certainly possible to do this on IE, but I recommend getting Chrome or Firefox. Not only are there most better/easier extensions, they are more secure, faster and better UI.

      The only reason to use IE is if you have a business need for it.

  • +1

    I just figured out how to bypass this and it took 5 minutes. Use Chrome and install Adblock Plus extension.
    In your Adblock Plus options, go to Add your own filter and add this:

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