Canningvale 100% cotton Egyptian Sheet Sets. All sizes $50 when you enter following codes:
Single - CLASS50S
Double - CLASS50D
Queen - CLASS50Q
King - CLASS50K
Free delivery for orders $100 or more.
Canningvale 100% cotton Egyptian Sheet Sets. All sizes $50 when you enter following codes:
Single - CLASS50S
Double - CLASS50D
Queen - CLASS50Q
King - CLASS50K
Free delivery for orders $100 or more.
Referrer gets $20 in points. Referee gets a $25 off $99+ Spend.
Which would be around the equivalent of 500TC non-Egyptian cotton.
However as there is no industry standard that everyone complies to on how to calculate thread count it's pretty much a lucky dip regardless of advertised TC.
Note only 300TC Sheet Sets