This deal is back at groupon usa. unfortunately it expires within a few hours. good price if you are looking to subscribe to the economist online edition to read on your tablet etc
Economist 51 Week Digital Subscription for US $60 at Groupon USA

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Should be mentioned in title that $60 will also get you a print only subscription, I think this is what makes it such a great deal.
or $76 for both print and digital…
print subscriptions would only be delivered to a US address i think
yea cant check out
Yes, unfortunately just discovered they won't ship print edition to Australian addresses.
Since the print version is not relevant to AUS.
How much does the digital version cost usually in AUS? Anyone knows?I paid $250 for a print + digital sub last December, this is a good deal.
Edit: And this was a student sub, I believe that the normal price is closer to $350 (again, print + digital)
Can't get it to work, press complete order and the button greys out and nothing happens. This is trying to buy the digital subscription.
Shame, just hope my card hasn't been billed twice for the 2 times I clicked.
Just tried a different browser, refuses to process it with an Australian address even for digital only.
i used a usa address (such as the one freight forwarders provide) and a vpn. though i dont think the vpn should be necessary
fwiw, if you have a usa based relative you can have the print edition shipped there. after a month or so you can change the address internationally (say you moved). it worked for me though that was around 7 yrs ago
Digital version of The Economist may be FREE if your council library is signed up to Zinio for its digital collection. It is for Hornsby. The link below has an extensive list of titles and also notes many of the libraries which give zinio access. Signup to free subscriptions with a library card number.
Thank you, good to see our tax dollars going to good use.
yes thats true but the zinio version of economist is no match for the native app. i have been suffering the zinio version for many weeks now
I've been to my local library, and I think the elderly lady behind the desk didn't know what the internet was, let alone what a library subscription to a digital magazine service was. She suggested that I drive to the state library - cbf driving an hour and paying for parking for that though :/
You actually needed a proper US address, can't just make one up. By the time I figured that out, deal was over :(
this deal has expired.
It was a crappy non-deal. US addresses only.
Great deal, OP, thanks.