Salary Packaged laptop - Do I declare or claim it on tax return??

I salary packaged a laptop in Mar2013, I was paid by smart salary the total amount in my account, pre-tax.
Question is, do I declare it and claim the laptop on tax return? i.e. depreciation over three years or I don't?
I have filed my tax return yesterday and didn't declare it or didn't claim anything for the laptop as my understanding is I haven't pain any tax on it so can't claim. Am I correct?
Second part, in my gross income shown on End of Year Statement, I don't see any mention of Salary sacrifice/package? Why is that?

Tried to clarify it last year but didn't get any clear explanation, even smart salary was not helpful.


  • No need to claim it on your tax return. You have already received the tax (and GST) back on it as it was paid with pre-tax money.

  • -2

    The amount you received is a non-reportable payment, whereas any Super Salary Sacrifice is reportable and shows up on your Group Certificate. It's all to do with Centrelink.

    • +2

      Nothing at all to do with Centrelink, but rather with the allowable "cap" for Super contributions.

  • +2

    You can't claim depreciation as you have already received a tax benefit by claiming the laptop payments from your pre-tax income. Basically you are saying you have a lower gross income and therefore you are taxed less on your income. Your gross income won't mention salary packaging as such but the amount listed as your gross income will be your actual gross income reduced by the amounts deducted from your salary for the laptop.

    • Thanks, that makes sense.

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