Going to the snow tomorrow (Mansfield) and I realise I have NO snow gear. Where can I purchase some snow gear that will keep me warm for 2 days at the snow? I'm thinking of heading out to Aldi and Raysoutdoors to see what they have but any tips on what to wear at the snow would be greatly appreciated.
Snow Gear
acinod on 07/07/2013 - 11:56
G"day there
Just saw it today Aldi got snow gears on special only 19.99$.
so cheap even wanted to buy them and use them while riding my bike!
Good luck
CheersNot much left at Aldi; try Rebel Sports who have 50% off Arctic Star products and 30% off Elude and another brand. My GF picked up ski pants, ski jacket, socks, gloves, thermal pants, thermal top, snow boots and goggles for $200.
Hire it there? about $30-$50 for jacket/pants.