So I just want to share the most bizarre story that I am experiencing right now and would like to ask some advice on the matter.
So this is how it started,
My understanding girlfriend bought me Black ops 2 last month (June) when it was on sale from JB Hifi for EOFYs which clearly still is and going $49. She was holding onto the CD until I was buying my computer last week.
Here is the bizarre part,
I have opened the box up yesterday which I have received the day before (Friday) as my early birthday gift as she is leaving for a camp today for 3 days. So I happily opened up the box and found that there was no CDs or CD keys anywhere in the box but found a black ops 2 plastic box.
I have asked my GF and retained receipts which dated back to 09/06 as the purchasing date which I could not believe my eyes as it meant it was about month old. I have planned to buy a desktop which I never had in my life from months before, she was clearly expecting this and bought me a game which was really sweet of her.
I have told my GF whom are still in camp that I wanted the receipt just for a memory but I do not want to waste her precious $50 which she earns through casual job at the busy restaurant as a waitress.
Should I take the receipt and the empty box back and ask for a exchange? Would JB Hifi do understand and exchange it for me?
I do not understand how this happened, box was never opened and I opened up the seal maybe this is 1 in a 50 million errors activision have made in 2013?
You might have received a display box (that is, one they put up at the front of the shop and contains no disc). Perhaps the employee was careless and didn't give you the one they usually keep in the store room.
Take it back and demand a full refund.
Anyway BOPSII is currently on sale for $37. Possibly cheaper at other places, haven't checked.