If you are looking to get your CCNA certification before the October 1st deadline…then look no further!
I will be conducting a 9 day CCNA online bootcamp to help you do just that. I have been a Cisco Instructor for over 12 years helping those just like yourself pass the CCNA certification exam…and now you have the opportunity to take my "LIVE with LAZ" bootcamp for the lowest price on the planet. For just $199.00 USD (For the first 100 people - limited time offer), you can finally reach your goal and be prepared to get certified on the 10th day! Just go to my website at "The Networking Doctors" or http://www.thenetworkingdoctors.com and follow the instructions to register on the "web/boot" page. Remember to redeem the coupon code at check-out. This is a LIVE bootcamp where you will have the opportunity to ask me questions and cover the whole CCNA prep book by Todd Lammle (which you will receive via a PDF file). Hurry since slots are limited!
CCNA 9 Day "LIVE with LAZ" Bootcamp for $199.00 USD for The First 100 Students!

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what is this october 1 deadline about?
On October 1st, 2013 the new CCNA test will go into effect. So, for those that have been studying towards the CCNA, there will be some changes done to the certification exam on October 1st, 2013. This does NOT mean that everything you've learned until now goes out the window…but it does mean that new things will be part of the new certification exam.
So what is the 1st Oct deadline?
On October 1st, 2013 the new CCNA test will go into effect. So, for those that have been studying towards the CCNA, there will be some changes done to the certification exam on October 1st, 2013. This does NOT mean that everything you've learned until now goes out the window…but it does mean that new things will be part of the new certification exam.
It's a good thing that other, larger, more recognised institutions aren't offering this course basically for free. Unless you're including the certification exam fee/pass then I think everyone is going to skip this.
and its free/cheaper elsewhere as mentioned above
sooo many reasons to neg really …
Nothing screams professionalism like a guy in a tank top scribbling on a whiteboard with shakycam(tm) and horrible audio.
This is NOT S.P.A.M.!
You need to do your research first before jumping to conclusions.
Not only can you look up thenetworkingdoctors YouTube channel, but you can search my credentials in LinkedIn by just putting in my name "Lazaro (Laz) Diaz"
I also have courses published on UDEMY.com related to the CCNA.
Although it may sound too good to be true….it isn't!
I am for real, my website is for real, my courses are for real and my upcoming "Live With Laz" bootcamp is certainly for REAL!!!