No Wealth-Making DVDs Allowed

Over the past hours I have been deleting quite a few deals on "free wealth-making DVDs", posted by various accounts, linked to different domains, but all on very similar topic.

Did I hear "multi-level marketing"?

If you want to find out who they are, search "Universal Wealth Creation" on your favourite search engines. I will not call it a scam, as these free DVDs might be useful to some. However I do not think OzBargain should be used as a platform to encourage multi-level marketing. Let alone some shady financial advice (but it's just my opinion).

Future deal posting on the same topic will be deleted immediately.


  • Hi Scotty

    I was told that my Company was mentioned so I thought I'd pop in to repond.

    Yes, the Free DVD with Jamie McIntyre is plastered all over the "Australian" web as there are plenty of resellers (read: online affiliates) and I can see how that would become quite a nuisance on sites like this. Just take a look at eBay… same thing there.

    No, it's not MLM. Although you could argue that anything that offers a commission is MLM to some degree. Even if it's a commission to a car salesman from the principal license holder. That is like paying an online affiliate a commission for the sale. Definitely not MLM though and the commission is for affiliates. This has nothing to do with using the product as it is educational. Clients aren't required to make sales to get income. The income is a result of them applying stockmarket and property strategies as investors.

    I was pleased to see my Website name made your comment, so thank you for that.

    The DVD teaches "self help wealth education". It is popular and works for those who are prepared to commit to the strategies. It's not for everyone as an effort is required to make it work.

    Thanks for having me here Scotty. I always appreciate seeing another webmaster in action and I value your stand against MLM.

    By the way: I didn't advertise on this site. My online affiliates might have, though.

    Keep up the good work mate.

    Sean Rasmussen - Universal Wealth Creation Pty Ltd

    • Thank you Sean for the reply.

      Well, I am not in the position to discuss whether it is a MLM scheme as I do not personally have any experience with your program, although the layout of the landing page does look some what similar to other "get rich quick" MLM schemes that I have came across before (thus my maybe-inappropriate conclusion). I apologise if it is not the case.

      You do need to watch out your affiliates though — they are everywhere :)

      Cheers mate.

  • Cheers Scotty

    Yes, they are everywhere. They aren't all mine though. LOL


    Sean Rasmussen - Universal Wealth Creation Pty Ltd

  • Scotty

    Its a fine line between a bargain, a discount, saving money and wealth creation, as its all about increasing your wealth. It can also be argued that promoting a "deal" provides benefit to each of us, so Sean's offering could also qualify.

    But all that said, somehow I think the spirit of this forum is based on savings on items rather than generic wealth creation. If it was the latter, then job advertisements would also qualify.

    I really think you have made the right call, btw, which is your call as it's your site that you created and one that I enjoy be part of.

    Keep up the good work. And thats not meant to be a criticism of Sean

    • Hi ozpete,

      Thanks for commenting on this issue. I agree that you can maximising your consumption by increasing your profit (rather than minimising the price you need to pay to buy a certain product). However,

      1. Financial product is really in a grey area. I know that we have deals like saving accounts and credit card deals before, but these are easier to understand. As of ways of wealth creation, I think most people will just say "see your financial planner" — not that it is necessarily better, but often safer.

      2. I actually have more issues with Sean's affiliates than Sean's website. During the week there are multiple deals created to sell his products by different people, all pointing to different sites. I can't see why people would do it unless there's a big affiliation commission behind it. However as of financial products, you should do the research, check past performance, understand the industry, etc, other than buy it from the one with biggest affiliation payout.

      Again, "see your financial planner/adviser" is probably the safer option for OzBargain and our readers, than buying from those wealth creation seminar "deals".

      • So we are in total agreement. Good work

  • Hi Scotty & Ozpete

    There is an affiliate commission involved and that is probably the main inspiration for many of the affiliates to post in places like this. As participants of the program we promote, only we really know the true value of it. Like anything in life, programs like this is under scrutiny from anyone who haven't yet got enough facts to base an opinion on. Let's face it; only participation provides enough evidence to base an unbiased opinion upon.

    Moving on to the topic of bargains and saving money on good deals, this is the attitude I adopt:

    I don't bargain or haggle. Nor do I shop around for a better price. If the product seems right to me at the time, I buy it. If I perceive the price to be far to high or a rip-off (for whatever reason), I will simply walk away. I value my time far higher than spending time searching for a better price. Money is far easier to make than (many) people realise. Time is not easy to make.

    So I suppose you could say that creating wealth and sometimes paying more is a similar outcome to saving money on a good deal. I also find it satisfying to know that spending more creates more wealth and prosperity in society. Money has no real "substantial" backing. Its not as is there's $100 of gold in a vault somewhere put away to back up $100 that is in circulation. Those days are gone.

    I hope my comments can add some value to your forum. I appreciate forums like this and beleive they provide a great place for people to meet and discuss their passions.

    Keep up the good work.

    Sean Rasmussen - Universal Wealth Creation Pty Ltd

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