Hi all,
I was shopping for a new fridge on Appliances Online and while browsing I received a randomly generated offer of 2% off. The offer applies to any purchase on the site (not just for the product you got the code on) and I was able to replicate it three times by refreshing a page over and over. For me this equated to an extra $30 off a fridge that was already the cheapest around. I'm not sure if it only appears on certain appliances or price points but have a try, it will eventually come up while in the fridge section at least while looking at the fridge in the below image. Hope this helps some of you.
Here's what to expect: http://i.imgur.com/Qd6Po3O.png?1
I'd focus on shopping around at bricks and mortar retailers first before buying anything off that site. They used to be very cheap but not anymore on most items.
Example - http://www.appliancesonline.com.au/breville-food-mixer-bem20…
I got the exact model BEM200R from the local Good Guys which was on sale for $99. I purchased a rice cooker at the same time so it wasn't if I had bought their whole shop.