Tomtom GPS bargain help

Hi All,

I am in the market for GPS device after 4-5 years. My current Tomtom Go 730 lasted a long time until recently last year the battery almost died out instantly after switching on. I still got it going with hooking up the GPS with the car adapter. Now I think it's almost dying soon as randomly it won't boot up or power on.
I am very attached to Tomtom interface and am comfortable using it.

Could you guys please suggest which Tomtom device can I buy which will probably give some live traffic report or other features ? It's not vital but what I'm after is a good price due to end of financial year sale.

Anything bonus is a plus like free map upgrades etc :)

P.S. I cannot drive point A to point B without GPS .. I know it's silly but my life depends on it. If in any situation I'm without a GPS I would call a friend to pick me up or get me a GPS

EDIT: Am I seeing this wrong ? Only $27 ??…


  • The following models have free lifetime updates, you can factor this in your decision.

    That includes the model you listed from Dick Smith so I suppose its a decent buy if you can find stock. Reviews on that dick smith page dont seem positive though.

  • Yep that's right. Mate can you suggest where to get the best deal or which stores may have the best deal ? It could be online deal as well.

    Anyone knows about the live traffic thing? Does it work well ?

  • Oh and that go live 820 is no longer available. One DSC guy told me its available in Tasmania.

  • I just bought the Tom Tom via 280 today. It's on special for $169 and has lifetime maps. Using ING paywave got it down an extra 5% so just over $160. They have the XXL540 for $99 but that only has latest map guarantee.…

  • You mean you bought the 280 ? Don't know what you mean by via 280… Is that a site ?

    With tomtoms is there a major difference between the $100 ones vs the $169 price range ?

    I would be interested if the live traffic worked as they said it would.

    • Via 280 is the model name.

  • Thanks mate for clarifying this. Now just need to know the difference between cheap models and expensive ones. Also the best deal out there.

    Its shame I just missed the 820 model for 27 bucks

  • Am I seeing this wrong ? Only $27 ??…

    There was no stock that I could find in any DS stores last week at $55.12, so I'm not sure why they bothered reducing the price again. I looked one day and there were quite a few stores showing stock. By the following day I could find none.

    I was spewing - had paid $110 for it just a couple of weeks earlier.

  • I got no idea as well what's the point in dropping the price. Are you happy with the 820 model ? If you couldn't get 820 what would be the next model you would get ?

    • For what it's worth,it's no longer listed on their site. I guess in hindsight, one could have tried to pricematch it elsewhere for the $27. Being clearance it would probably have been unsuccessful though.

      As with you, this is replacing a Go 730, and to be honest with you, I can certainly see no improvement in its performance given that it's a newer model. Yesterday was the first time I have used it so I can't give very thorough feedback just yet. It's not as responsive to touch as the 730 (which was always brilliant) though it's not too bad, FAR better than the 220 that I set up for my sister recently. I THINK it's supposedly the same screen size, but I found the printed street name at the top is not as clear as the 730 (a little blurry.)

      The main differences I can see are that it now has inbuilt traffic, useful I guess if you live in the city (which I don't) and whereas the 730 lost reception to the satelites travelling through tunnels, I discovered yesterday that this one doesn't.

      In short, it did get me to where I was going. I had to fill in some time before I had to be there though and took a detour in the general area, so turned it off so that it wouldn't keep nagging me, and found when I turned it on again that it had cleared the route on me. I'm not sure whether it thought it had gotten me close enough to my destination, or whether it's a bit of a glitch. Time will tell, I guess.

  • ok thanks a lot guys.

    So what are my options for Tomtom models ? I am willing to pay $130 max

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