• expired

Domino's - Free 1.25l Coke with ANY Online Delivery Order between 9pm - Close


Received this in my email. Hopefully the link works fine.
My email says this is For Nailsworth (SA) Only.

Free 1.25 litre Coke with ANY online order placed between 9pm and close at Dominos.com.au
Minimum delivery $24.00

It doesn't mention an expiry, just 'limited time only'.

EDIT: Didn't work :( Uploaded image.
EDIT 2: Thought it was for any order.. Read too quick.. Delivery orders only.. What I thought was an ultra awesome deal is now crumbling before my eyes.. Better get back to work.


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closed Comments

  • +2

    Perhaps mention that it's Domino's in the title?

    • Thanks! Sorry.

  • -2

    These offers should come with a free diabetes test kit as well. Diabetes is Australia’s fastest growing chronic disease
    from: http://www.diabetesaustralia.com.au/Understanding-Diabetes/D…

    Declaration: I work in the field so you either stay healthy or my company makes more money. Win (for you)or win (for me).

    • kill joy! how do u know people arent getting Coke Zero anyway??

  • +1

    This deal has been around for a fairly long time, it's nothing new

  • +2

    yeah this is standard.

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