I just want to create a central place where OzBargainers with 3DS's can share their codes and swap with others to join them for games such as Animal Crossing: New Leaf
Update 11 July 2013
The list of codes have been moved to a wiki page.
I just want to create a central place where OzBargainers with 3DS's can share their codes and swap with others to join them for games such as Animal Crossing: New Leaf
The list of codes have been moved to a wiki page.
added you beakeroo
My fc code ::2964-8812-7973
Just now i request tyrus as friend for playing MarioKart
Still waiting on Tyrus to add me, 2750-1196-4614
Will add ya tonight :)
nicely done, same will add you all when home :)
Yep, give me an add for some AC: NL and Mario Kart 7 multiplayer!
Lots of AC:NL, also down for some mario kart 7
added ya
Waiting on you to add me cal89,
FYI/ this has got to be done on both ends people, otherwise it doesn't work.
more the merrier! :D
Mainly playing FE and MH right now.
Added everyone so far.
I have added peeps now too
I'll add you now mahgo
received AC: NL today. See you guys in game :)
Awesome! Should get my copy in week or so
Awesome. Added everyone just now. I need different kinds of fruits '-.-
So how do you visit towns? I just started tonight but every thing seems closed. My town has Apple as it's native fruit.
Go to station, visit far away town (other player you want to visit must have their gates open)
Open gates by going to station and asking to invite visitors.
Thanks breakeroo. Will do some visiting tonight.
Also changing my region back to Australia will change my ID card in Ac to Australia right? Any other benefits to changing region? Can I still use the UK e shop if it's changed?
Yeah it will change your ID card but probably only if you restart the game (not sure)
You can't use the UK store if you change back to AU though, not unless you change region again back to UK.
Ok. Probably no reason to change my region then.
Might be worth explaining to the non Nintendo people what's going on here ?
Do you have a 3DS?
swapping friend codes on the Nintendo 3DS for super-happy-fun-times :P
Good stuff. I've added all the above please do the same for me 1693-0841-8124.
I've been playing the heck out of AC:NL lately. But also have a slew of other online games such as MK 7 and Tetris.
hi all, just asking is this bargain cheap? http://www.mwave.com.au/product/sku-ab43951-pokemon_white_2_…
Yes, it was $20 at DSE but hard to find.
The new game is out in October.
ahh.. DSE never have good amount of stock for games after all..
added everyone so far XD
Added you today but it hasn't confirmed, 2750-1196-4614
Added all so far :)
no one has their gates open :(
Haven't been on tonight. Nursing damaged limbs and feeling sorry for myself.
aw no. what happened?
Had a back spasm on ladder. Came down rolled ankle on left and bruised knee cap on right. Seeing me walk is a funny sight at the moment.
yeesh sounds awful :s sorry to hear
Hey at least that means you can kick back and relax with some AC :p hopefully it isn't too bad.
Also, can you increase your bag size? my bag keeps getting full which is annoying. Where do you guys put all the extra stuff you collect? Like clothes and furniture… do you just dump it in a room in your house or can you put it in storage somewhere?
You need a wardrobe or storage cabinet. You can use the one in the train station though and when you get one for yourself you can access the same boxes from home or the station in any town.
I've added everyone here, mine is 0533-4139-7300 - Catheena. I'm addicted to Animal Crossing, also have Mario Kart :)
added XD
Add me :)
i have added all so far
added XD
Hey all!
My code: 4699-5263-2331
Mario Kart-er looking to add all here
added XD
Hey guys :D
Mainly play AC:NL, bought my 3DS specifically for it last week.
Friend Code: 5343-8535-8270
Name: McFuzz
Adding everyone!
thanks for the tutorial Mc Fuzz! Sorry abt trampling on your flowers :">
Welp, at least my black, orange and pink flowers are fine lol.
added everyone on here so far :D
Still waiting on my copy from WOWhd, preordered it and it was still put on back order after the release date :(
moral of the story: will not buy from them again
send them an email. i sent a couple to video ezy (same supplier) and they sent it off a few days later.
YEAHHH it arrived, animal crossing's music is so dang relaxing that I no longer am mad at WowHD :)
Name: Dayo
Code: 5214-9827-8748
Once again, I am addicted to Animal Crossing, thank god for uni holidays.
Mainly playing AC these days, need more friends XD
Dodoli you have to add other peoples friend codes otherwise this doesn't work. Both people must enter the other's code in order to become friends.
Added you today but it hasn't confirmed, 2750-1196-4614
If anyone here has a UK Club Nintendo code from the following games I'm willing to paypal you $15 for it.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (Nintendo 3DS version)
Luigi's Mansion 2
Lego City Undercover: The Chase Begins
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity
Animal Crossing: New Leaf
(I already have Donkey Kong and Fire Emblem)
I just need one for my son.
Message me if you have one guys.
I have monster hunter code. And still waiting my 3ds sob.. but, can i still use it for my recommendation for friend thingy after you register it? Contact me via sms or whatsapp for convenience 0411868075
Hey all thought i might add mine as well, big fan of fire emblem and luigi`s mansion 2, i should have AC tonight im praying.
heres my code
have a great day all.
Hello I'll add you guys later when I get home from work
Heres my details:
Name: Caveman
FC: 5327-0967-2688
Town Fruit: Cherries, Growing Apples atm
Town Name: Pookie
I'll add you now.
If anyone wants to visit Hooville I shall leave the gates open now all day. I'm growing everything and it is in abundance so pop in and grab what you need (in order to plant for yourselves) but don't be greedy and take more than two of a fruit as others may need the same.
Why did I name my town adelaide =.=
Overactive imagination?
Hey Beakeroo add me. I'd like to travel to your town. Here's my friend code again.
Added you.
Anyone that visits when I'm not there, can you leave a message on my notice board? Cheers.
Thanks Beakeroo, just got back from your town. Although I didn't read this post I did leave a message on the board. I love your Nintendo collectibles room.
Cheers pit.
Added you today but it hasn't confirmed, 2750-1196-4614
added everyone new again :)
So have I, and my copy of ACNL arrived today!
:D I see you online. My gates are totally open if you want to come get some fruit and stuff!
Just started LOL I don't know what I'm doing :)
Go to the train station after you've got set up lol. I am known to give out freebies. ;D
Frank will take care of you dw. :)
Is this UK only?
Friends code's are international. Doesn't matter where your 3DS is from they still work with other 3DS's.
Anyone can find a better price for Mario Kart 7? It is $41.56 at Video Ezy atm… their shipping times suck but i dont think the price will ever go down for a first party title like that.
If i get Mario and Luigi Dream Team Bros. for $36.76 (pre ordered) i should get free shipping. What you guys reckon?
I've bought at least 5+ 3DS games off those guys and have had pretty decent shipping times. For example animal crossing was released on the 14th in the UK and I received it on the 24th. Not bad. Looks like that's the best price too
yeah they seem to be the cheapest place atm. Well i ended up ordering. Mario and Luigi wont be released for a month and Mario Kart has 7-10 days before it ships. So i guess ill just have to play all the other games i havent got around to first :P
*currently downloading my free Donkey Kong game (so many games promotion).. its taken like two hours to get to 20%. Part of me wishes i downloaded Luigi's Mansion now lol
When my downloads take too long I reboot the 3DS, fixes it for me.
so i just cancel the download?
edit* at 1% already :p
Pre-owned on Gumtree, in store like jbhifi or EB games or on eBay. I just picked up a copy of MK7 for $20
didnt see any pre owned MK 7 on gumtree. $20 is a great pick up! I dont think JB or EB sell it for $40 so i think video ezy was the best price.
Hi all,
Just bought Animal Crossing.
I have added most people on this thread.
my code:4012-3663-7256
Added you.
Added too :)
added as well
Got my copy this morning, native fruit is peaches, now growing cherries.
Added most of the people in this thread already.
added you :)
My friend code
If anyone has a Monster Hunter recommendation code I can swap for a Fire Emblem Awakening Code.
beakeroo 4398-9535-7246
trumpedup 3024-5715-0588
tyrus 0018-0355-6408