How to be notified when an iPad or iPhone app becomes cheaper?

There are a number of apps I am interested in.

Is there a service I can use that will notify when the apps in my list have a price reduction?


  • +3
    • Thanks for the suggestion. I'll take a look.

      • +1

        They have an iPhone app AppShopper Social for it as well for browsing on the go. If you create an account, you can add items to your wishlist and be notified when there is a drop in price either via a notification or an email. You can also see the price history of an app which can help you guess if there's likely to be a price drop in the future.

        The website also allows you to monitor prices of apps on the Mac App store if you have a Mac.

  • Anyone know of a similar website for android? I don't turn my nexus on everyday so the device app ones aren't as useful.

  • +1
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