Beats jv hifi by $1 and matches the cheapest price it ever was on playasia but with the big drop in the aussie dollar it will be hard to find at this price again.
If you have a vita and like jrpgs you have to have this game.
Beats jv hifi by $1 and matches the cheapest price it ever was on playasia but with the big drop in the aussie dollar it will be hard to find at this price again.
If you have a vita and like jrpgs you have to have this game.
It would be silly to pass it up at that price. I mean, it's not like Vita has an abundance of great games (yet) and this is one of the better ones.
This is the best game on the Vita, by far, and at this price, every Vita owner who hasn't already bought it should do so NOW.
love this game,
it was a bargain when I paid $43 for it at EB
I would like to buy a Vita, but Sony isn't cutting the price it seems, even though it badly needs it. The 3DS struggled until Nintendo cut the price, and then it took off like a rocket.
It's $29 on us psn store as the new permanent price.
I'm tipping this game ill be a psn freebie in the near future.
Play-Asia beat it by 10c !!!
This is Ozbargain!
Nah this is of course a great price, the deal was mentioned a few times in the JB deal and also when did jv buy his own hifi store?