Home Renovations - good & cheap place for paint?

Hey Guys,

Looking to do some renovations around the house and looking for a cheap way to renovate th kitchen, have gotten a few quotes but some have quoted in excess of 25K for something I believe shouldn't cost more than 10K.

I am also looking to do some paint work, was considering just doing this myself, any good and cheap places to buy paint from?

Thanks guys


  • Hey drifta. I've built a kitchen from scratch that cost me $2000 in materials. Here's a link to the kitchen: http://www.newavedesign.com/#!prettyPhoto[gallery4]/21/

    Not recommended if you aren't confident with tools though!

    Another option is to purchase a kit kitchen from Bunnings. Some of them look pretty good but you'd still have to assemble them yourself unless you want to pay for labor probably bringing the bill in over $10k. You could also try www.graysonline.com, there are some cheap kitchens on there, though I've never bought from them as I'm down in Tassie.

    One more option is buying a second hand kitchen from gumtree and alter and renovate it. I've done this before also with pretty good results and I bought it for only $300 second hand. Here's a link of some of my work: http://www.newavedesign.com/#!prettyPhoto[gallery4]/4/

    Concerning paint… depending on how much you need and of what colours etc depends on how much you are going to pay. If you are using a large amount of a single colour you could purchase from a paint suppler and save as you are buying in bulk, but for smaller amounts I don't think it ends up much cheaper. I also do painting for people for a living and end up buying my colours from Becks or Bunnings most of the time because I'm just getting 4L of a certain colour at a time… but you may find a paint supplier who is cheaper in your area. Just decide what colour you want, how much you need and ring around for prices.

    Good luck and feel free to offer me $10,000 to come up and complete the renovations for you ;)

  • thanks subway wagon,

    I am not particularly great with the tools, I can do a lot of the basic things without any problems but cant say i've attempted any large scale projects that have needed overly great skills with tools.

    I am however considering this option more and more as time goes on as it seems the cheapest.

    I was considering getting ready made kits from places like bunnings, grays online etc as you have suggested. The only problem is that we are looking for something slightly customised and so most of the kits don't work, though we can always buy the kits and than buy the additional stuff separately.

    I was thinking at this stage to get bunnings to come and design it for us (a new service they apparently offer) and than get the parts from them and simply pay a labourer to install it for us, hoping that we can simply find someone to work at an hourly rate of $25 odd to do labour. We will do whatever we can and get someone else to do the rest.

    We are not 100% on the colors but I think that it won't be a lot of one color, each room might have slightly different colors, yet to be finalised. I think what you have suggested about just going to bunnings and getting the 4L cans and some sponge rollers , brushes etc is the best option.

    Thanks for the advice and help.

    feel free to come up and work as a labourer for me ;)

  • +1

    Yeah painting is the easy part but tiling isn't and you do want tiles in some parts of the kitchen for easy cleaning, unless you don't intend to cook there :)

    We did our granny flat kitchen using the cheap flat pack ones from IKEA + an old kitchen sink. Pretty easy to assemble and secure to the wall, and costs less than $1k and two evenings of work. Tiling the flashback took us a bit more time, and still need to get the plumber in to connect things up (can't trust myself with plumbing work).

    There are many similar flat pack options in IKEA or bunnings.

  • Ikea kitchen have come a long way even in the last year. They now have a dedicated kitchen design section with about twenty different panel types , load of sinks and taps and bench top options. We look at some of their setups with great envy sometimes.

  • We did an Ikea kitchen a few years back.
    Although neither the wife nor I are exactly chippies she is absolutely fearless and will give anything handy a go - and usually does pretty well.
    We managed to get it all together and installed just fine - except for the bench-top which we had put in for us.
    Must say I am not all that thrilled with the kitchen - it is already showing signs of wear.
    Wife tiled the splashback no probs.

  • Spent the last couple of days going through ikea and bunnings kitchens, bunnings also has cool software you can use to create a model of your kitchen. Will be debating with myself and weighing up the pros and cons to see whats the best course of action. The main concern is as blaircam stated, I don't want my shoddy workmanship to result in wearing out the kitchen and having to re-do it in a couple of yrs or so.

    Went and bought some ceiling paint from bunnings today, just a 4L can to get started on the celings, figured I would get the ceilings done first, that way if theres any runoff I can paint over it with the wall paint. Bought some rollers and brushes etc to get started and get my hand used to the job.
    will be purchasing some more paint after looking at the prices offered by the suppliers.

    I've still gotta invest in a lot of new tools like ladders, sanders to sand down the oil paint from the doors and get quotes for polishing of the floors in a few rooms that I've removed the carpet from.

    Trying to save money is a full time job in itself!

    Thanks for the tips and hints guys. appreciate it. Keep em coming! :)

  • Look at eBay for 2nd hand kitchens. Some are only 1-2 years old too.

    I saw a white kitchen set, marble benches, current model gaggenau appliances($25k alone) a few months ago. Sold for $1600. You just had to remove and rebuild. All depends on kitchen layout.

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