• expired

(Supposedly AMEX) - OzSale $10 Voucher - No Minimum Spend

This post contains affiliate links. OzBargain might earn commissions when you click through and make purchases. Please see this page for more information.

This is supposedly an AMEX deal but if you sign up using the above link and buy something of equal or less than $10, you won't have to enter any credit card details. I couldn't put that link to the URL/Link section for some reason.

You will need to sign up with a new account.

The voucher will be available at checkout.

The only things I could find with free shipping are from the superhero merchandise sale: http://www.ozsale.com.au/ItemsList.aspx?cid=10&saleID=6TPq-S…

I bought the Dark knight Mug.

Hope someone finds this useful!

Details from amexconnect: https://www.amexconnect.com.au/Offers/689/Join-OZSALE-and-re…

Mod: Fixed link

Note: "Shipping will take up to 21 days after the end of the sale."
So match expectations accordingly - it may take a while.

EDIT: Looks like the deal has expired after 8000 clicks! Hope Ozsale.com.au follows through with the orders.

Referral Links

Referral: random (87)

The referrer will receive a $20 voucher (min spend $40), once the invited friend has made their first purchase of $20 or more.
No benefit to the referee.

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closed Comments

  • Thanks, got the free mug! This is going to get ozbargained!!

    • How did you get free shipping?

  • +1

    Thanks got a superman mug

    BTW im an AMEX card holder

  • used your link buddy.

  • +1

    Where do you get voucher? in email?

    I added " TheDarkKnightRisesTriptych-MG22033-Multi " then at checkout after filling up address it asks me "Please enter Credit Card Details"

    • +2

      on the left hand side, there is a dropdown for the voucher. you MUST create a new account using the link above

    • +2

      use the link provided (ends in amex13) and voucher is available for selection at checkout.

      • thanks got it now :)

      • did you need to enter in your credit card details?

        • For me,not needed

        • used paypal, don't even need to login to paypal

  • got it above.

  • is it just mugs available under 10$?

  • I get charged shipping, how do we get free shipping?

    • only the super hero merchandise has free shipping

  • Thanks, got the Superman one :)

  • Thanks OP. Batman for me!
    Hopefully it gets there.

  • Got a Superman mug….just in time with the release of Man of Steel !

  • So if you're already a member you can't get this? (i.e. voucher for new members and their first purchase?)

    • Yes. new member

    • But I am new member , just created the account, But didn't receive the voucher.
      got the eamil " Thank you for registering to Ozsale.com.au" but no Code, How do I get the Code?
      Any help or info will be greatly appreciated.

      • code is attached to your account. you'll see it at checkout

  • Thanks OP.. Awesome.. I had not bought any bargains before this one today!

  • ohh BTW… " you can enjoy FREE SHIPPING on most orders placed within an hour after you order"

  • +11

    Got my little brother a 3D Spiderman picture thing (??)

    Hope he likes the surprise - his own mail (addressed to him) and a cool picture! Pretty sweet for an 8 year old :) Thanks OP!

    • Normally I care nothing about neg votes….but why is this statement disliked?

        • +2

          That's gangsta.

        • +5

          Not cool mate. You're way out of line!

        • Pretty damn gangsta.

          I +'d you 'cause you made me laugh.

      • +2

        Venom negged him

      • +2

        I came back a little while after I posted, saw I had three negs and got sad. OzBargain can be a cruel place…

        The 13 upvotes made me cry a little. Happy times.

    • I got the marvel comic 3d one, have no idea what it is lol

      • I know he likes Spiderman, and 3D pictures are always cool to kids. I think? They used to be, anyway :S

        • They do look cool, but the sizes are really small 8x11cm is like slightly bigger than A7. Hopefully that's meant to be inches because otherwise its only about an inch bigger either way than a playing card.

  • Thanks op

  • I don't understand where I find the promo code ?
    'Enter your gift card number or promo code'

    • Its the drop down box, takes a little while to find it.

  • I like free stuff.

  • Got the giant poster. looks like an awesome freebie (y)

  • Thanks OP! free mug shipped free, can't get any better.

  • Great find OP

  • Awesome thanks!

  • sure nothing else worth to buy? even with shipping and add couple of $ from pocket?

  • nvm got it, thanks OP

  • Let's hope this goes better than the Bang Bang WHO kites debacle.

  • Do these guys not check email addresses?

    • Last time they didn't… I ordered 4 things with fake email addresses and they all arrived ok

  • Can the voucher be used another time? Waiting for another free shipping promo as I don't want anything from that Marvel campaign.

    • +1

      voucher appears to expire 29th of june

    • but theres nothing coming up with free shipping, well nothing worth it. so you might aswell get your mug now

      • Thought they have a new free shipping campaign everyday, no?

        • maybe you are right, but i went though the whole coming soon list, only thing i saw was, womens plus size clothing sale w/freeS and Wine w/freeS

        • Most Wanted Posters - Best Poster collection has free shipping. The campaign starts Wednesday =)

  • wtf, cant sort by price…

  • +1

    Thanks OP. Got the Free mug too :)

  • Cheers, hopefully the mug arrives for the release of the Man of Steel blu ray

    • Yea and you got 4 negs for that…

      • now its 2 negs per mug ..

        • approaching 4 negs per mug.

        • 7 negs per mug now

        • 9 negs per mug now and counting

        • Now i wonder how many negs is needed to fill up a mug ?

    • His mugs have runneth over methinks!

      • -2

        I just seen all these negs…wow lottahate for me here! Got my 4 mugs yesterday!

        • +1

          They may have negged you, but what's the bet that half of them did the same thing.

          As far as I'm concerned order one leave it for a bit to make sure that everyone gets some then go for it. It's one thing if there 20 available and you got 4, but when there's thousands and the promo is going to be shut down anyway then go for it.

          You didn't take anything off anyone they just didn't advertise that they ordered more than one which makes them more honourable in their eyes. (I got 4 too :) My nephew and brother are getting one. The other 2 are for me and my superman loving daughter).

        • Thanks for your support, but I really couldve give a flying f*** about being negged. First in best dressed.

  • +6

    If you guys don't want to use multiple email addresses, just sign up one gmail account and do this:

    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]


    They will all go to the same email.

  • Got it, thanks OP

  • looks like AMEX is funding this ozsale promo

    Usually ozsale limits the code to 500 uses .

    This deal already has > 1000 clicks

  • +6

    According to OzSale's database, there are about 48 million people living in Australia after this deal.

    • +2

      lol and these 48 million all live in only 1000 different addresses!

      • lol and these 48 million all use 1000 different phone numbers!

  • -1

    Sorry I am stuck here. Cant seems to find any free or promocode

    "Enter your gift card number or promo code"
    Help please

    • +2

      give me your mail address and i'll do it for you. jokes.

  • -6

    Just ordered 20 Pencil cases, 4 posters and 3 mugs! BRING ON THE NEGS

    • +1

      ss or it's fake

    • +1

      someone's opening up a superhero merchandise store in a months time

  • got a superman mug thanks!

  • You're my real hero.

    Seriously though, I hope this doesn't get cancelled.

  • thanks OP!

  • Thanks Op, dont care if it gets cancelled. i can live without a superman mug……i think

  • +2

    Got myself a mug, unfortunately I doubt they'll honor it with ppl ordering 10, 20 and even 30 free things…sucks for the ppl just trying to get one little freebie :( oh well that's ozbargain i guess, you take the good with the bad lol

    • +1

      yah well we see the worst in human beings ;)

      • +2

        But also the best….the sharers.

    • -2

      don't worry man, they will cancel the whole order if they order 10 under the same address :)

      • -1

        actually last time ozsale did this i ordered 30ish pairs of socks and jocks, within about 6 weeks every single one was delivered. dont hate the player, hate the game

  • At checkout a box popped up saying:

    Thank you!

    So might be worth trying some other items!

    • +1

      Thats free shipping with the account you just used. So you need to pay for the items as you used your coupon!

    • tried that it doesn't work adds shipping for any other stuff you want to buy!

  • +1

    Thanks. Just scored the Dark Knight Rises Triptych-MG22033-Multi mug.

    What's the bet these mugs will turn up broken or some thing.

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